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From the Pavilion

Started by reesbr, April 09, 2010, 02:27:11 AM

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lol reesbr is killing me. His innings just ended he was 345-6
Not to bad I have been here less than a week hopefully I get within 200 runs ;D

LOL Antoine and Barlow opening Antoine is fighting hard.


As I say it Barlow is gone.Very disappointing he should of done better than that.

Glad I brought Browne in for Johnstone, he took 2 wickets 8) Gould was dangerous early with the ball as well.


And....Antoine is out. Going to be a HEAVY loss...Out comes McEvoy to hopefully create something with Hewawasm (Hewy 8) )

4 runs on a no ball to McEvoy. Yay.
10 run partnership for Hewawasm and McEvoy. Wow. Special, 'eh?
McEvoy out for 6. His bowlers are GOOOOOOOOOOOOD.
Well, looking at his named squad I think it is his A Grade team so I am happy I am withing 400- that was my target :P
Khan is off to a good start.
McIntyre, Nawaz & Khan all gone in a hurry. They are all supposed to be decent batsman ::)
Now my man Robinson... With my other man Hewawasm.
They are slowly, very slowly, creeping along.
Hewy boundary hitter- Helps him hit a big 4 8)
Hewawasm 6 runs! BADABOOM!
Hewawaasm 6 more 2 balls later!
OHNOES!!! Hewawasm out the very next ball.
OHNOES!!! Now Robinson is gone. No batting left, tumbling down now!
Browne does well, but I know he will just crumble soon enough.
As soon as I say it, there goes Browne, caught in the deep.
2 balls later Gould also caught in the deep. All over.
I'm all out for 115, reesbr wins by 231.

Justin Bieber

Unlucky there Alex. But he would be a massive upset if you won :P.

I'm done in the market for now unless a really tempting player comes along for cheap.


Yeah me to HP the market is overpriced at the moment and I have no money.
Nah, he will flog me. I am like 7 down and I have made 20 runs in the last 7 overs. Hewawasm my shining light as usual ::)

Hewawasm out for 44. Still easily the best on my team but now I have atrocious batters to come :P
Robinson is not going anywhere in a hurry either ::)



Justin Bieber

Solid performance still Alex 8). Lasted a bit.


LOL yeah ::)
Ah well he is in div 3-4 so I am pretty happy with that I AM in my first week :P

roo boys!

Justin Bieber

Congratz on the win today RB.


I got an outs/accom batsman :o :o he is 24.

roo boys!

Thanks HP, not worth anything though :P

Hey Alex!

How much did you pay for him? :o


Lots ::)
Well worth it though...
Have another T20 in a couple of days- could be a key for me.

roo boys!

Ah well, I am the expert on spending big!

trust me, it pays off 8)