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From the Pavilion

Started by reesbr, April 09, 2010, 02:27:11 AM

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im playing korza tonite :)


I have to wait another 45 minutes for my first match of the day -.-
I'm going to get killed as well, then another hour until my fun match ::) :P

8-6 Suited

He didn't deserve the win. You got lucky R&B... Lucky! :P

nah good game. Sick of our games coming down to the wire and you winning with shower batsmen at the crease. -_- My tail out rates yours and didn't do much. I knew those dropped catches would cost me though.

Go again next weekend in a random/random R&B? Got my keeper now. :> JJ :P


shaggy behold the keeper i want and will get :P
going to 200k.
maybe a shaggy?

roo boys!

Man of the match:   Jean-Philip van den Hof (3 points), Dhiresa Paritosh (2), Phillip Lidgerwood (1)

hof :-*

10-2-18-2 and 15 match winning runs. Oh my god I love you Hof. He wasn't going to play if I got the player I was chasing last night! :o

Sure Shaggy, just remember, we have played 3 games (one in October :P) and I have won all 3 ;)

Wait until I get a gun or two :P


You got JJ :D
I really want to play you now Shaggy :p


8-6 Suited

He should never have been able to get that 15. -_- I would have out-rated you if I had a keeper before it started. So I am happy with what it is considering I didn't have one. :P

He is on Fitness for 2 pops which should get his summaries to increase a bit as well. Then will be a couple Fielding pops then Bat/Tech.


roo boys!

Yeah well I almost bought a guy with Spec bowling summary and Reli batting summary but I got outbid with 5 seconds to go :p and I should have had Scarlett, check the TM trends thread. I blame you. ;)


shaggy i will have the best keeper on ff!


8-6 Suited

Blah blah blah.

Blame me all you want, you still suck. :P Just cant beat you. I don't get it.


Quote from: Alex7089 on January 23, 2011, 07:25:34 PM
Gecko... ::)

my guys better, spec batting and outs keeping summary :P


Thanks for the game BOOMZ, result was about as expected - gave me a clear indication of where I am.
153k match rating v 125k match rating shows to me I will need to heavily invest in Academies for the rest of the season and trade on the market very selectively with end of season prize money moving into season 13.

Well played and again thanks for the game  ;)

*Gunz n Rosez won by 145 runs