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Hold onto your trades!!

Started by Carnthedockers, April 07, 2010, 07:14:39 AM

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I've been convinced to save trades. For the first time, I don't think I'll trade after round 2.... Scary stuff

Master Q

Quote from: Slashers on April 07, 2010, 08:52:59 AM
I'll explain why I asked after you explain what Sween means from where you come from?
Lol sorry, I meant to type Slashers, i talk to alot of people at once :P
Sorry for the confusion Slashers. There is someone on here called Sweenfury :P Sorry


Q..that is a fundamental mistake trading so early in the week for an experienced Dt'er.... :o

What did you do anyway..???


i cant recall actually being so frustrated after 2 rounds in any year yet

Mitch Clark and Mark LeCras were Sandilands and Petterd up until D-day...

i need to hold firm on LeCras and stick to the plan of upgrading him to a cutprice premium forward...argh


Would have thought LeCras is a premium! Or the potential to be.


i also traded early.. am away this weekend so it wont matter who is named
cox out for seaby
ROK in for bradshaw


Quote from: bestguykai on April 07, 2010, 08:42:54 AM
Why do people do their trades so early in the week. What happens if there is a mishap at training and your player goes down. Why not wait until at least the teams get named?

Exhibit A: My trade of Michael Hurley in and then him injuring himself literally 15 minutes later at training...


you would have to be really unlucky.....

why is it I try so hard with DT and always seem to make mistakes and with supercoach it comes so natually.... I only picked my super coach team about a week before the season.... i spent almost 3 months on my dt.... and it looks shagged already

seems ive made four mistakes with tippet, clark goodwin and hargraves.


Quote from: Master Q on April 07, 2010, 08:38:56 AM
Of course i will Sween, but it's round 2 ;) I actually did 2 trades this round but i wasn't burning.

Out of curiosity Q, what were your trades?

Now while Im all against trading in the early rounds, it is good to mop up some mess early. Alot of risk involved, but if you have enough common sense you should be right. I mean, If you have Cox, you'd wanna look at the Sandlilands trade ASAP. However, if you have Barry Hall, and you wanna trade for Ballantyne or someone, wait - theres no upside to that trade. Or if you think trading someone down for a rookie who is going quite well to free up alot of cash, thats probably not going to be a waste either. Finally, dont get sucked into peoples averages after 2 rounds.  Heath Hocking and Richard Hadley were averaging 120's last year at this point.....I had each of these guys involved in a string of about 6 or 7 trades which finally resulted in 2 premium midfielders. Wasteful. Bleh.


Cough up Q..Show us your trades.. >:(

That is what worries me about J. Mckenzie..could be a flash in the pan.. :P


^ Exactly why Mark McVeigh isnt Jordie McKenzie already :P     

...Ive been hurt before...


Quote from: Flame on April 07, 2010, 01:11:27 PM
That is what worries me about J. Mckenzie..could be a flash in the pan.. :P

So could Barlow..... no wait - I am wrong :P



Didnt you hear that from next year on they'r re-naming it the Barlow Medal? ;D
Shame he will most likely get the Ling tag this week, thus bringing his average down to a measly 110 haha


Yeh he may well get the tag from Ling this week :(


He'll destroy Ling!! ha

you must be happy with him Valkorum being a Freo boy..