Tippetts Tendonitis

Started by cass17, April 05, 2010, 12:12:05 PM

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Trade him now? Yes Or No



Nobody, he'll come good!

But if you have to, Kreuzer looks good



Tippit seems to be giving a lot of people serious headaches



Could consider Seaby, then you'd have a lot more in the bank.


keep him

adelaide are playing melbourne this week, who have a small backline so tippet should kick a bag


Taylor Walker will prob kick a bag :P



Quote from: valkorum on April 08, 2010, 01:03:10 AM
Taylor Walker will prob kick a bag :P

That's more likely to happen than Tippett doing anything.

Has Tippett been played out of the square or CHF? cause where he was being played preseason is different now and look where it has got adelaide 2 losses and 14th in front of the Kangaroos and Tigers


Keep Tippett. Has a good record against Melbourne


QuoteKeep Tippett. Has a good record against Melbourne



Ok guys, Been thinking about this one all week.
Do I TRADE tippet?
Option 1 will give me 30 to 40 points a week on current av and 80K
but not sure if balla will stay on the park all season (could change to danger but don't think he will score as high)
Option 2 will give me 20 points a week more and 225K
Interim solution which will give me lots of extra cash. I am concerned though if he can keep up his score and if he will keep his spot in the team
Option 3 keep the extra trade for later

Also have 30K in the bank and I am playing for a high end of season ranking.
Currently have 4348 points

What do you guys think and what are you guys doing


option 3..Keep him..save your trades


Option 3. Useless to trade him now.


im the only one who likes peterson???
Frees up cash for future trades, scoring similar to tippett and will make money
(Making this trade today)

Balla, injury prone, but very good player. Frees up less cash.

Not trade... tippett is on the way down. Rumours of knee tendinitis. Trade out with maximum value is much better option