Tippetts Tendonitis

Started by cass17, April 05, 2010, 12:12:05 PM

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Trade him now? Yes Or No



1.keep him he is playing Melbourne this week and should score better 2.he has apparently had knee tendernitas (not sure on spelling) for around four weeks.3. SAVE YOUR TRADES

hopefully he can score big this week


Tippett was inconsistant last year and this year he has been true to his form. I was expecting him to step to the next level this year which has not happened. Keep in mind that crows have been spanked in their first two games and the rumours of knee tendonitis. He could still come good, but is quite a gutsy move keeping him. It is all about risk reward and all signals are not positive right now. I am going to flog him.


Quote from: Fletch74 on April 08, 2010, 03:39:08 AM
Keep Tippett. Has a good record against Melbourne

A good record = 1 game?  ;D


got a selection problem.

was going to get j brown and ballantyne in for ziebell and big bad barry but now have my doubts about tippett with his knee tendonitis.

thinking it might be better to offload him now instead of either Z or Hall.

Z has a BE of low 80s and Hall high 90s, who would you give the second chance to?


where did u hear bout tendonitis?



oh dam so does that mean tippet to seaby?


@ Thatguy

Nice article, you are about to give a lot of people major headaches.


yer my head is spinning


including myself! not real impressed.

think he needs to go.

tendonitits = rest = no output.


he will still play every game....just less workloads means less scoring points


Tippett will come good and all you guys will be kicking yourself when that happens


great that confirmed my tippet for seaby trade.

that article will deff give headaches to more coaches now haha. dont you love the dilemas already, its only round 3 and people are stressing out like crazy!


Quote from: chrisuzz on April 10, 2010, 05:57:29 AM
Tippett will come good and all you guys will be kicking yourself when that happens

you've obviously never had tendonitis... it takes ages to go away :'(


Quote from: wipz on April 10, 2010, 06:00:56 AM
Quote from: chrisuzz on April 10, 2010, 05:57:29 AM
Tippett will come good and all you guys will be kicking yourself when that happens

you've obviously never had tendonitis... it takes ages to go away :'(

especially in the knees. no wonder he has been playing so deep in the opening 2 rounds.