Supercoach v Dreamteam? Danger!!!

Started by Cruiseon, March 30, 2010, 11:29:39 AM

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I predicted during the pre season that all the publicity around DT, not to mention the number of threads on Fanfooty, might see the unfortunate situation of DT passing SC on participant numbers.

Even Monty seems to talk DT over SC more and more.

I see that at this stage SC has 330,000 entrants, firstly do people know what DT's numbers are & secondly what do people think of this potential trend??


To be honest, I really think that those who love the challege of SC will forever stay with SC. It's a far more intellectual game than DT, and we all know it. Some might find DT more fun, and good on 'em, really. I strongly doubt one will cancel out the other. So I don't see the problem, different strokes for different folks I guess.


My thoughts are that most of us who play one quite often play the other. I will always play both.


Yeah, that's a very good point too. Though I actually really don't like DT so I deleted my accont with them  ;D


A bit like Windows or Mac  ;)
I have only ever played SC. A few guys at work play DT and have invited me to join, and I've invited them to join SC but none of us have ever crossed over. Isn't it the same system/software that runs them both but they have a different scoring method?
I'll probably remain a SC'er, can't explain why  8)


DT or SC I don't mind if it is AFL im in :)


Not a fan of the scoring on DT. Played it the first year I tried a fantasy comp. A group of us then tried sportal, dream team and supercoach the next year and then just sportal and supercoach. Last year and this year I have played SC only after sportal changed the setup they had.

Justin Bieber

Quote from: bestguykai on March 30, 2010, 11:41:00 AM
My thoughts are that most of us who play one quite often play the other. I will always play both.

same. started dt a year before i got onto sc. more interested in sc but don't mind either.

sc has more people entered than dt. dt only have numbers in the 200,000's


Quote from: Slashers on March 30, 2010, 12:16:34 PM
A bit like Windows or Mac  ;)
I have only ever played SC. A few guys at work play DT and have invited me to join, and I've invited them to join SC but none of us have ever crossed over. Isn't it the same system/software that runs them both but they have a different scoring method?
I'll probably remain a SC'er, can't explain why  8)
No, because SOME people actually care about DT, where as nobody cares about virus riddled windows any more, so last century.
I think SC will keep their participants up just because they run the better game, a lot of people if forced to choose will pick SC due to the concentration and intelligence it requires.


Personally I dont like DT.
I think SC scores are fairer...


Quote from: Cruiseon on March 30, 2010, 11:29:39 AM

Even Monty seems to talk DT over SC more and more.

Agree and with the subtly of a sledgehammer. I have made joking reference to the fact sc'ers seem to be being ignored. Perhaps the AFL slipped Monty some money to focus on DT a little more and try and get some converts!


Ok so this forum may be biased (I agree with everyone) but with the AFL maintaining such a dictatorship, even radio stations whose football license are up for renewal have almost banned the mention of Supercoach. Of course all live television games can't mention Supercoach (or they are out).

It continues to worry me what effect this will have long term.

Do any of you who do both (I once did but dropped DT) actually know what the DT numbers are, I'd appreciate it if you passed it on.


Mmm yeah I didn't even know m0nty had an SC team until recently

Big Lance

Master Q

Have you noticed there has also been a huge dividence on the site, some users post on both boards but it is very rare.
I play both, My Stages were - Supercoach and DT on the Side, 2 years back it was equal now i focus on DT and play Supercoach for fun.