Started by buddy4pm, March 30, 2010, 08:59:46 AM

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Having problems running ff genie on a mMac. Wont let me load round stats. ANyone had experience with this.


First time DreamTeam'er

So FFgenie seems like quite a fancy program. I'm just wanting to keep an eye on my players breakevens and approx. price rises.

1. Can someone explain how I receive 2010 stats?
I clicked 'import stats from website' and its uploaded all of the 2009 stats  ???

Also, I'm not sure if I understand the price rises exactly.
2. If I have a 100k player, who across 3 rounds plays like a 300k player, does that mean he will go +20% towards being priced at 300k (so he'll go from 100 to 140... and if he plays to the same standard, another 40k boost after round 4)

3.  How well should I interperate the projected scores on the FanFooty player profiles?
If it says +20 on a particular player for their next match, does that mean that they score +20 above the breakeven? And is that +20 an avg of all their matches against that opponent, or just their most recent match?

Thx. great site.


prospector, or someone else,

can u plz explain 2 me how to work FFgenie??
ive downloaded it but dont really understand it!
also what features does it have??



i cant load them either
but im not on a mac


I have FF Genie up and going, however, when updating the data i am getting 2009 data.  Is the 2010 data for Round 1 available yet (Tuesday night 30/3/2010)?

Thanks in Advance...


I expect you need two rounds of data before it can calculate anything ...


Need to wait for grimloc to actually create the round 1 data


Hey guys the biggest question i have is what determines a players price rise or drop after each round.  I realise that this will only happen after they have played 3 rounds....However i am confused what determines it after that.
i.e if a player scores really low two weeks in a row, causing his average to drop and then scores the next week very well sometimes it will still not go up.  So does this mean the price changes according the overall average whether it goes up or down, or just on weekly performance?
This would help me thanks

Justin Bieber

price drops and rises according to rolling 3 round average. if 2 rounds are shocking and the other one can't bring it up to normal average, the price will drop. vice versa with big scores.

it is the average of 3 rounds (1,2,3 then 2,3,4 etc)


Yeah, for example if a player averages 90, plays round 1 and scores 30, then in round 2 he makes it to just 50, then round 3 he makes it to 100 his price will drop.
Because 90X3=270
If it's a positive number his price will all, so with that his price would fall quite a bit.


it all depends on the players price also.....
this site will help:


ahh thanks a lot guys....finally makes sense, i have been so confused in the past.  Thinking why hasnt his proce gone up wtf??
thanks again


I to am using MAC with FFGenie did you make sure you downloaded these files for updates it allows auto DT scores

Check out the readme text. It will explain everything

PS sorry for posting a link M0nty but the guy needs help


Hope this post is in the right spot (Didn't want to clutter things up with another topic)

I get it that the price is over a rolling 3 round average,but what if the guy only plays 2 (read Adcock here) then is out injured.
Does he still get adjusted (Down in this case) or does it wait until he has been selected and played 3 games?
I suspect the former but just want to be sure :)