First timer's ranks and scores

Started by spike#12, March 30, 2010, 07:05:36 AM

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this is my first year of dreat team. i scored 2144, even though Gram got 68, harbrow got 74, hunt got 46, hall got 55, shnieder got 57, gia got 63. how do you rkn ill go this, am i doind alright?

Justin Bieber

better start than me :'(.

should go alright. just use your trades wisely and you will do pretty well.


Thats not a bad DT score considering you had those 6 lowish scores in there too. And all of those are capable of more..


Hey guys, I got a few friends who are first timers this year, and with me being a 2nd i was really wondering, cause they keep asking whats a good overall position for them to finish in?
They are all taking it seriously so it would be nice to get some info from more seasoned pros. Thanks in advance


top 10% would be very reasonable for firstimers (about 30,000). For the 2nd year, aim for top 1% (3000).


i am second yr dter and i wanna stay in the top 5 k i have been in the top 2 k for the first to weeks until i dropped out


first timers should average between 1750-1900, 2nd year should average around 1850-1950.... and 3rd year plus should deffinately be averaging above 2k by the end of each season imo.


if you do your research and learn from first year's mistakes, should be able to average 2000-2100 in 2nd year.

Justin Bieber

depends on what your goals are for the year.

if you just want to get a taste for it, maybe 1800+ would be nice for 1st year. then aim to improve your average each year following (e.g 100 points improvment each year)


Its my first year, im averaging 2000k. Been obsessed with DT. My goal is to win my league for work bragging rights. Top 10,000 would be nice as well. So much to learn, so many mistakes to make... And as for trading!!!

I can see how a year or two can make a difference. Ive been reading my ass off to get that score, my workmates log on once a week and get the same!


if you can keep up ave 2000k with trades left later in the season that would be a fantastic achievement.
Try to keep those trades




Any things good, if you think your going well.


if you can keep improving that's the best you can do