FF Dt'er of the round

Started by Master Q, March 30, 2010, 12:06:42 AM

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Master Q

I updated the sticky, looks better now. Please read the thread i posted in the feedback section.


Sweet as Prospector mines Kai's Pies


Just missed out on top FF score for the week. But my 2275 placing me 243rd over all was a pleasing way to start.

Master Q

Sticky Update, i recommend checking the sticky everyday, m0nty please the thread i made in the feedback section


I just sent you a PM Q, but it might be good to increase the time.  7.30pm is only 4.30pm here in Perth and many people may still be at work/school etc



Damn eastern staters always forget about us in the West.... except when its draft time and you want all our good players.


Well, let's remedy that right now ...


Make it so

(always wanted to say that :P)


Aye aye, Cap'n, but I don't know if she'll take it!

Master Q

Ok, i updates the sticky, Valkroum the time is now 8:15 ESDT which means it closes at 5:15 in the west.