Balance of Draw for 2023 Season

Started by Ringo, April 10, 2023, 12:34:22 PM

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Posting balance of Draw to end of season as I will be away for 2 weeks in June and AF does not allow an assistant to be appointed to sort issues.

First named teams will have the HGA not as stated in AF.

Round 5
Hebden Bridge Hedgehogs v Swansea Breakers
Hastings Hurricanes v Huddersfield Hawks
Winchester Werewolves v Blackpool Bunnies
Bradford Badgers v Oxford Lions
Grope Lane Giants v Manchester Magic
Staines Steins v Nottingham Hoods

Round 6
Swansea Breakers v Hastings Hurricanes
Hebden Bridge Hedgehogs v Winchester Werewolves
Huddersfield Hawks v Oxford Lions
Blackpool Bunnies v Grope Lane Giants
Nottingham Hoods v Bradford Badgers
Manchester Magic v Staines Steins

Round 7
Winchester Werewolves v Swansea Breakers
Oxford Lions v Hastings Hurricanes
Grope Lane Giants v Hebden Bridge Hedgehogs
Huddersfield Hawks v Nottingham Hoods
Bradford Badgers v Manchester Magic
Staines Steins v Blackpool Bunnies

Round 8
Swansea Breakers v Oxford Lions
Winchester Werewolves v Grope Lane Giants
Hastings Hurricanes v Nottingham Hoods
Hebden Bridge Hedgehogs v Staines Steins
Manchester Magic v Huddersfield Hawks
Blackpool Bunnies v Manchester Magic

Round 9
Grope Lane Giants v Swansea Breakers
Nottingham Hoods v Oxford Lions
Staines Steins v Winchester Werewolves
Hastings Hurricanes v Manchester Magic
Bradford Badgers v Hebden Bridge Hedgehogs
Huddersfield Hawks v Blackpool Bunnies

Round 10
Swansea Breakers v Nottingham Hoods
Grope Lane Giants v Staines Steins
Oxford Lions v Manchester Magic
Winchester Werewolves v Bradford Badgers
Blackpool Bunnies v Hastings Hurricanes
Hebden Bridge Hedgehogs v Huddersfield Hawks

Round 11
Staines Steins v Manchester Magic
Manchester Magic v Nottingham Hoods
Bradford Badgers v Grope Lane Giants
Oxford Lions v Blackpool Bunnies
Huddersfield Hawks v Winchester Werewolves
Hastings Hurricanes v Hebden Bridge Hedgehogs

Round 12 AFL Rd 16
Manchester Magic v Swansea Breakers
Bradford Badgers v Staines Steins
Nottingham Hoods v Blackpool Bunnies
Huddersfield Hawks v Grope Lane Giants
Hebden Bridge Hedgehogs v Oxford Lions
Hastings Hurricane  v Winchester Werewolves

Round 13 AFL Rd 17
Swansea Breakers v Bradford Badgers
Blackpool Bunnies v Manchester Magic
Staines Steins v Huddersfield Hawks
Nottingham Hoods v Hebden Bridge Hedgehogs
Grope Lane Giants v Hastings Hurricanes
Winchester Werewolves v Oxford Lions

Round 14 AFL Rd 18
Blackpool Bunnies v Swansea Breakers
Huddersfield Hawks v Bradford Badgers
Manchester Magic v Hebden Bridge Hedgehogs
Hastings Hurricanes v Staines Sreins
Nottingham Hoods v Winchester Werewolves
Oxford Lions v Grope Lane Giants

Round 15 AFL Rd 19
Swansea Breakers v Huddersfield Hawks
Hebden Bridge Hedgehogs v Blackpool Bunnies
Hastings Hurricanes v Bradford Badgers
Winchester Werewolves v Manchester Magic
Staines Steins v Oxford Lions
Grope Lane Giants v Nottingham Hoods

AFL Rds 20 - 23 Finals

Home Ground Advantage for teams 6 have 8 and 6 have 7
So do we leave as is or make some neutral games,
Alternately have another Rd over Rds 12 and 13 with the 6 teams with 7 HGA having the HGA,