Goodluck for season '10

Started by FactHunt, March 26, 2010, 03:37:52 AM

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OK, so the kick-off to season 2010 is upon us.. just like to say thankyou to those who have contributed to discussions i have posted, and had queries about.
Goodluck to all competing in SC this year, may your injuries be few, your cashcows be fat, and your bragging rights with mates be plentiful :D


Thanks Facty, best wishes to you too.

Bob the builder

Cheers FactHunt, goodluck to you too...


Good supercoaching to all in 2010 :) Not too many of those pesky injuries to unravel all our carefully laid plans hopefully!


... and thanks to all for the banter. Wouldn't be the same without you  ;)


Yeah thanks to all who have contributed, shared links, inside sources and personal views.

Great work everyone in the FF community.

Good stuff from M0nty as well.


It's going to be a long journey! See you on the other side!


At the moment I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel, going to be tough. It's very dark in here...


Train has slowly very slowly left the station  is it sept yet?


I want sept to come around, I want fev to play blues in the granny :o.