WXV Rules Discussion 2017

Started by Purple 77, August 01, 2017, 12:13:11 PM

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meow meow


Quote from: Ringo on August 09, 2017, 11:10:18 AM
As I suggested earlier and it may have also got lost - Have Purps and Nige (Think you have been helping Puros a bit Nige so why I included you) do a review of the coaches similar of clubs review of Football Department. Know an additional task and then advise coaches individually of result and for those who they consider ineffective ask them to justify retaining coaching position.
Yeah perhaps as well participation, the club's onfield results could also come into consideration. May be a bit harsh but say a team has been underperforming for years, maybe a new coach is needed

meow meow

15. WXV expansion.

In Mortal Kombat there is a thing called a mirror match where your character fights a clone of themselves.

If it's good enough for Mortal Kombat it is good enough for us.

Do you think we could get 36 active WXV coaches? I think it'd be easy. So why not clone every player, introduce 18 new teams? Could allow Dublin to trade in Rance 2.0 or have a rule about not being able to double up, or a limit. Endless possibilities.

I don't think anyone will vote yes but imagine a new draft, and trade season OMG.


Quote from: meow meow on August 09, 2017, 11:49:59 AM
If it's good enough for Mortal Kombat it is good enough for us.

Without a doubt the greatest thing I've ever read on  FF  ;D ;D ;D

Purple 77

Ok, this is my view.

When someone becomes a coach, they are expected to name a team and vote in time, everything else is optional (although highly encouraged). The quiet amongst us may not simply have the desire to participate further (maybe coz they're tired from what they do throughout the day/week), and just like reading through it all. After all, we put on a good show :P. As long as they follow the rules, and do those two things that are required from them... I'll have no issue with them. I think if we had a 'review' where I could potentially sack them at the end of the year, I think it'd introduce a tense-vibe with pressure on them to engage with the comp.

With that being said, if you aren't finding that desire to engage with the comp outside of naming teams and responding to votes, then I encourage you to really reflect on whether you are enjoying this comp. If you genuinely still are, then I don't want you to leave. But if it's becoming tedious to you, then you should make a decision.

meow meow

Should do it in addition to WXV if we want to keep the original pure.

Purple 77

Quote from: meow meow on August 09, 2017, 11:49:59 AM
15. WXV expansion.

In Mortal Kombat there is a thing called a mirror match where your character fights a clone of themselves.

If it's good enough for Mortal Kombat it is good enough for us.

Do you think we could get 36 active WXV coaches? I think it'd be easy. So why not clone every player, introduce 18 new teams? Could allow Dublin to trade in Rance 2.0 or have a rule about not being able to double up, or a limit. Endless possibilities.

I don't think anyone will vote yes but imagine a new draft, and trade season OMG.

Would have to bring ossie out of retirement to help admin that one :P

flower me, adminning 36 teams... *shudders*

But yes, it'd be epic.


Quote from: Purple 77 on August 09, 2017, 11:55:22 AM
Ok, this is my view.

When someone becomes a coach, they are expected to name a team and vote in time, everything else is optional (although highly encouraged). The quiet amongst us may not simply have the desire to participate further (maybe coz they're tired from what they do throughout the day/week), and just like reading through it all. After all, we put on a good show :P. As long as they follow the rules, and do those two things that are required from them... I'll have no issue with them. I think if we had a 'review' where I could potentially sack them at the end of the year, I think it'd introduce a tense-vibe with pressure on them to engage with the comp.

With that being said, if you aren't finding that desire to engage with the comp outside of naming teams and responding to votes, then I encourage you to really reflect on whether you are enjoying this comp. If you genuinely still are, then I don't want you to leave. But if it's becoming tedious to you, then you should make a decision.

Naming your team and voting isn't enough to be a coach IMO

Why do we have a vote for new coach applications then? If naming a team and voting are the only 2 requirements then it should be first in best dressed for coaching applications

We vote on coaches and make them apply so that we can see what they will bring to the comp, how they will fit in and engage, help develop the comp and be actively involved, so these should all be part of a coaches responsibilities

Ringo and JROO raise good points too, and they all form part of the participation argument I've raised

Purple 77

Because I'm not getting paid for doing this, I refuse to sack somebody for 'not posting enough', even though they are following the rules.

I know its selfish of me, but it wouldn't bring enjoyment for me, and it'd be an overall negative experience/drama that I could do without. Put yourselves in my shoes, then imagine telling a coach that they can't coach their team anymore? I'd then have to deal with that drama, likely alienating that person and everyone else that disagreed with the decision. Nah, no way sorry guys.

I'm open to presenting facts to under-posting coaches and saying, 'do you want to continue?', but won't be sacking them.


Couldn't this also have the opposite effect though, and push people away?

I think I'm with team Purps here #scrapthecap


I'm probably one of the less active coaches but that has been due to a range of factors including less time. I do read every post though but that's usually at night before i sleep.

I don't think anybody should be sacked for lack of engagement. As Purps said, could raise the point but to get rid of somebody who may not have time but still enjoys the comp would be harsh.


I didn't say that you need to fire people Purps

It could be something as simple as telling certain coaches that we'd like to see more participation and involvement from you, that you are not often available to discuss trades with, that you aren't really involved at all with rule talks, weekly talks etc and because of this your team continues to struggle etc

I don't see anything wrong with asking coaches to show more commitment and involvement other than to just scrape by in ghost mode naming a team once a week and replying to a multiple choice vote that they had no discussion or involvement in


Time to hand out some KPIs.  :P


As I said no need to sack but just get alongside coaches who you consider are not performing and encourage improvement or resigning as coach if need be.

meow meow

I'll start. London continue to be irrelevant. Poor drafting and now you're going to trade out the only players who keep you in the contest occasionally. Lift Ringo!

Over to Holz to critique Christchurch.