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2017 Teams in UF

Started by Ringo, February 02, 2017, 08:04:31 PM

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Hi all coaches in British XV

We are unable to finalise teams in UF till all teams have joined. We have 10/16 joined. 

So can the following teams join as soon as possible so we can complete teams. Drafted players are not yet in teams.
Owls, Rams, Magic, Bunnies, Hedgies and Hawks.

To enter go into UF and then go to League Settings and then

Click on nominate players to keep and then select all players that are listed. GL and I will be verifying lists but unable to do so until all teams have reloaded last years teams.

Feel free to contact coaches by other means if you have them to quicken the process.

Note as League commissioner I can not verify nominated players until all teams have entered so do not worry if you can not see your teams.

Thanks for assistance.


Just the Hawks and Owls left to join now :)

Also, remember to nominate all your players as keeper selections. I believe just the Giants and Magic need to do this (along with Owls and Hawks when they join).


When you only use one trade and no draft picks so everyone bar Whitfield is kept.  :P


All teams have now joined the 2017 League.

We have confirmed retained players so can you all check your listings and advise GL or myself of any errors. We have identified a couple of errors hence why we are asking all coaches to check.

It appears we may have to do a supplementary draft to ensure all teams have 45 players. Currently investigating this and will advise. Looks like we can not progress any further in UF with teams with vacant draft selections.


Werewolves is all correct except Bell needs to be off our list and Whitfield on.


Quote from: Rusty00 on February 08, 2017, 06:10:03 PM
Werewolves is all correct except Bell needs to be off our list and Whitfield on.
Thank You - Now fixed Trade 21 with Magic,


Can all coaches please now check lists in UF as we have found a few errors and am going crosseyed with cross checking. Believe we have found all errors now.

Can you confirm in this thread as we will have to do a supplementary draft to take lists to 45 players and will hold off until all confirmed. Separate thread will be started for draft.

Apologies for all the confusion but unfortunately with UF need full teams.  Lessons learned for the next roll over.





Assuming nat and rookie draft havnt been added mines fine in "player market". If i go to "my team" nothing has changed though but i assume itll reset or i just havnt moved it to 2017 yet?


Quote from: iZander on February 08, 2017, 10:08:54 PM
Assuming nat and rookie draft havnt been added mines fine in "player market". If i go to "my team" nothing has changed though but i assume itll reset or i just havnt moved it to 2017 yet?
They're in your team in the player market though :P


Following the supplementary draft all teams have now been loaded into UF and you should now be able to see your own teams.
Can you check and if any errors please advise.
Will be working on loading the draw over the next week or two
We will be playing 15 rounds up to AFL Round 18.  With the exception of Round 9 we will not be playing bye rounds.
Finals series will be Rounds 19 - 23.


Fixtures should all be correct now as well :)