WXV Ladder Positions 2016

Started by Purple 77, March 28, 2016, 10:15:45 PM

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Quote from: Ricochet on April 26, 2016, 11:06:46 PM
Quote from: Hellopplz on April 26, 2016, 10:02:49 PM
Sorry to ruin your predictions, but expect a Roaring Reindeers outfit with 160+ >:D.
You'll need that to beat NDT these days ;)

Dont get to big an ego yet rico.


I talk from experience


Holz doesn't even rate on the egotistical scale anymore, he's got his own Holz-o-meter :P.

meow meow

I've also got a different scale. You know why? Because mine has got more depth.


Quote from: Hellopplz on April 28, 2016, 09:16:54 PM
Holz doesn't even rate on the egotistical scale anymore, he's got his own Holz-o-meter :P.

yep Humble Holz,

thats why I had to pull up NDT. Cant have people going around bragging, goes against everything i stand for.


Quote from: meow meow on April 28, 2016, 09:29:55 PM
I've also got a different scale. You know why? Because mine has got more depth.
Hahahaha ;D

Purple 77

After Round 6:

Dublin reclaims top spot from Rio, Toronto spoon looks more likely with 2 games clear on the bottom :(


Position      NameScore      Scored Against      Wins     Losses      Percentage
1Dublin Destroyers90078151115.24
2Rio de Janeiro Jaguars89880451111.69
3Mexico City Suns85978551109.43
4Christchurch Saints80476842104.69
5New York Revolution84782442102.79
6Pacific Islanders83982242102.07
7Beijing Thunder82180933101.48
8Berlin Brewers83983133100.96
9Seoul Magpies7998053399.25
10London Royals7648093394.44
11Moscow Spetnaz7678143394.23
12Cape Town Cobras7857892499.49
13New Delhi Tigers8058102499.38
14Paris Nice Lyon Reindeers7737822498.85
15Tokyo Samurai7908402494.05
16Buenos Aires Armadillos7808302493.98
17Cairo Sands7608312491.46
18Toronto Wolves7148100688.15

EurAsia      NameScore      Scored Against      Wins     Losses      Percentage
1Dublin Destroyers43839721110.33
2Paris Nice Lyon Reindeers38536921104.34
3Beijing Thunder40939621103.28
4Tokyo Samurai5325412298.34
5London Royals3853932197.96
6New Delhi Tigers40740112101.5
7Berlin Brewers2692791196.42
8Moscow Spetnaz2552701194.44
9Seoul Magpies3844180391.87

AAP Alliance   NameScore      Scored Against      Wins     Losses      Percentage
1Rio de Janeiro Jaguars45238230118.32
2Christchurch Saints53049631106.85
3Mexico City Suns42040721103.19
4Cape Town Cobras38538512100
5New York Revolution4054071299.51
6Buenos Aires Armadillos3954211293.82
7Cairo Sands3824111292.94
8Pacific Islanders2682961190.54
9Toronto Wolves2322640287.88

Europe   NameScore      Scored Against      Wins     Losses      Percentage
1Dublin Destroyers15312410123.39
2London Royals2532761191.67
3Paris Nice Lyon Reindeers1231290195.35
4Moscow Spetsnaz00000
4Berlin Brewers00000

America   NameScore      Scored Against      Wins     Losses      Percentage
1Rio de Janeiro Jaguars28324320116.46
2New York Revolution14913210112.88
3Mexico City Suns2642771195.31
4Buenos Aires Armadillos2612880290.63
5Toronto Wolves1181350187.41

Asia   NameScore      Scored Against      Wins     Losses      Percentage
1New Delhi Tigers15911910133.61
2Beijing Thunder14413110109.92
3Seoul Magpies1311440190.97
4Tokyo Samurai1191590174.84

Africonia   NameScore      Scored Against      Wins     Losses      Percentage
1Christchurch Saints26726011102.69
2Pacific Islanders12912710101.57
3Cape Town Cobras25225111100.4
4Cairo Sands1111210191.74

And Reserves:

However, Rio certainly has a lot more help coming than Dublin from the reserves...

Position      NameScore      Scored Against      Wins     Losses      Percentage
1Copacabana Capuchins78940260196.27
2Wellington Weta68547051145.74
3Mexico City Suns69249651139.52
4Rhineland Rum-Runners50939851127.89
5La Plata Armada63453842117.84
6Pyongyang Chollimas46342942107.93
7Port Morseby Iguanadons6086194298.22
8Imperial Princes55345033122.89
9Mumbai Elephants47045233103.98
10Durban Pirates5265513395.46
11Shanghai Storm4705183390.73
12Alexandria Heiroglyphics50544224114.25
13Siberian Wolverines4534782494.77
14Yuzawa Yakuza5165542493.14
15Washington Rebellion5436032490.05
16Windsor Warriors3155771554.59
17Belfast Braves2435340645.51
18Marseille Kings2427050634.33


What happened in our reserves this week? A draw but it says we won but on the ladder it has nothing?


Quote from: Purple 77 on May 01, 2016, 09:34:00 PM

Position      NameScore      Scored Against      Wins     Losses      Percentage
1Dublin Destroyers90078151115.24


Purple 77

Quote from: JBs-Hawks on May 01, 2016, 09:37:05 PM
What happened in our reserves this week? A draw but it says we won but on the ladder it has nothing?

Oh! Thank you for pointing that out to me, truth be told I don't even look at reserve scores haha.

You in fact did win by 1 SC point, which earns you another 1 WXV point. Will update in a sec.

Purple 77

After Round 7:

Top eight gets a little reshuffled and Seoul close in on 9th

Position      NameScore      Scored Against      Wins     Losses      Percentage
1Dublin Destroyers104990861115.53
2Rio de Janeiro Jaguars102191761111.34
3Mexico City Suns100193052106.99
4Christchurch Saints95090552104.97
5Pacific Islanders98094352103.92
6New York Revolution98796052102.81
7Beijing Thunder97093443103.85
8Berlin Brewers97996443101.56
9Seoul Magpies94494143100.32
10Buenos Aires Armadillos9139523495.9
11London Royals8979493494.52
12Moscow Spetnaz8809373493.92
13Paris Nice Lyon Reindeers9099222598.59
14New Delhi Tigers9429562598.54
15Cape Town Cobras9129382597.23
16Tokyo Samurai9159892592.52
17Cairo Sands8819722590.64
18Toronto Wolves8369430788.65

EurAsia      NameScore      Scored Against      Wins     Losses      Percentage
1Beijing Thunder55852131107.1
2Dublin Destroyers43839721110.33
3Paris Nice Lyon Reindeers38536921104.34
4Berlin Brewers4094122199.27
5London Royals5185332297.19
6Tokyo Samurai6576902395.22
7New Delhi Tigers40740112101.5
8Moscow Spetnaz2552701194.44
9Seoul Magpies3844180391.87

AAP Alliance   NameScore      Scored Against      Wins     Losses      Percentage
1Rio de Janeiro Jaguars45238230118.32
2Christchurch Saints53049631106.85
3Mexico City Suns42040721103.19
4Pacific Islanders4094172198.08
5Buenos Aires Armadillos5285432297.24
6Cape Town Cobras38538512100
7New York Revolution4054071299.51
8Cairo Sands5035521391.12
9Toronto Wolves3543970389.17

Europe   NameScore      Scored Against      Wins     Losses      Percentage
1Dublin Destroyers15312410123.39
2Berlin Brewers14013310105.26
3London Royals3864161292.79
4Paris Nice Lyon Reindeers1231290195.35
5Moscow Spetsnaz00000

America   NameScore      Scored Against      Wins     Losses      Percentage
1Rio de Janeiro Jaguars28324320116.46
2New York Revolution14913210112.88
3Buenos Aires Armadillos3944101296.1
4Mexico City Suns2642771195.31
5Toronto Wolves2402680289.55

Asia   NameScore      Scored Against      Wins     Losses      Percentage
1Beijing Thunder29325620114.45
2New Delhi Tigers15911910133.61
3Seoul Magpies1311440190.97
4Tokyo Samurai2443080279.22

Africonia   NameScore      Scored Against      Wins     Losses      Percentage
1Pacific Islanders27024820108.87
2Christchurch Saints26726011102.69
3Cape Town Cobras25225111100.4
4Cairo Sands2322620288.55

And reserves:

Rhineland 2nd boiz  ;) whilst Belfast and Marseille can't get on the ledger.

Position      NameScore      Scored Against      Wins     Losses      Percentage
1Copacabana Capuchins94441370228.57
2Rhineland Rum-Runners64851661125.58
3Wellington Weta79258552135.38
4Mexico City Suns75957152132.92
5La Plata Armada73756052131.61
6Pyongyang Chollimas53849652108.47
7Mumbai Elephants58555943104.65
8Durban Pirates61860643101.98
9Port Morseby Iguanadons6396814393.83
10Alexandria Heiroglyphics56747334119.87
11Imperial Princes67158934113.92
12Washington Rebellion6796843499.27
13Yuzawa Yakuza6136463494.89
14Shanghai Storm5626153491.38
15Siberian Wolverines4646332573.3
16Windsor Warriors3376801649.56
17Belfast Braves2986260747.6
18Marseille Kings3238410738.41


Slowly slipping away from us :'(.

Good to see some new faces in the 8, shame we'll have to take one of their places over the second half of the season :P.

Purple 77

After Round 8:

We have a new number 1  :o :o :o

The Mexico City Suns are only just up on percentage over 4 other teams 6-2  :o most even year ever?

Position      NameScore      Scored Against      Wins     Losses      Percentage
1Mexico City Suns1151104462110.25
2Dublin Destroyers1197108662110.22
3Rio de Janeiro Jaguars1147104962109.34
4New York Revolution1165110862105.14
5Christchurch Saints1082103162104.95
6Beijing Thunder1110105253105.51
7Pacific Islanders1113109253101.92
8Berlin Brewers110511154499.1
9Buenos Aires Armadillos106210854497.88
10Seoul Magpies106810944497.62
11London Royals102210704495.51
12New Delhi Tigers1093108235101.02
13Paris Nice Lyon Reindeers1056104635100.96
14Tokyo Samurai105511043595.56
15Moscow Spetnaz100110623594.26
16Cape Town Cobras102610882694.3
17Cairo Sands99611122689.57
18Toronto Wolves95410830888.09

EurAsia      NameScore      Scored Against      Wins     Losses      Percentage
1Paris Nice Lyon Reindeers53249331107.91
2Beijing Thunder55852131107.1
3London Royals6436543298.32
4Dublin Destroyers43839721110.33
5New Delhi Tigers55852722105.88
6Tokyo Samurai6576902395.22
7Berlin Brewers5355632295.03
8Moscow Spetnaz3763951295.19
9Seoul Magpies5085650489.91

AAP Alliance   NameScore      Scored Against      Wins     Losses      Percentage
1Christchurch Saints66262241106.43
2Rio de Janeiro Jaguars57851431112.45
3Mexico City Suns57052131109.4
4Buenos Aires Armadillos67767632100.15
5Pacific Islanders5425662295.76
6New York Revolution4054071299.51
7Cape Town Cobras4995351393.27
8Cairo Sands5035521391.12
9Toronto Wolves3543970389.17

Europe   NameScore      Scored Against      Wins     Losses      Percentage
1London Royals5115372295.16
2Dublin Destroyers15312410123.39
3Berlin Brewers14013310105.26
4Moscow Spetsnaz1211250196.8
5Paris Nice Lyon Reindeers1231290195.35

America   NameScore      Scored Against      Wins     Losses      Percentage
1Rio de Janeiro Jaguars28324320116.46
2New York Revolution14913210112.88
3Buenos Aires Armadillos3944101296.1
4Mexico City Suns2642771195.31
5Toronto Wolves2402680289.55

Asia   NameScore      Scored Against      Wins     Losses      Percentage
1Beijing Thunder29325620114.45
2New Delhi Tigers15911910133.61
3Seoul Magpies1311440190.97
4Tokyo Samurai2443080279.22

Africonia   NameScore      Scored Against      Wins     Losses      Percentage
1Pacific Islanders27024820108.87
2Christchurch Saints26726011102.69
3Cape Town Cobras25225111100.4
4Cairo Sands2322620288.55

And Reserves:

The Copacabana Capuchins are clearly the dominant team here. But have they peaked too early?

Position      NameScore      Scored Against      Wins     Losses      Percentage
1Copacabana Capuchins106852080205.38
2La Plata Armada89461862144.66
3Rhineland Rum-Runners77166062116.82
4Mexico City Suns78461553127.48
5Wellington Weta89970953126.8
6Pyongyang Chollimas59655553107.39
7Mumbai Elephants72968253106.89
8Durban Pirates66263153104.91
9Imperial Princes79264944122.03
10Washington Rebellion77674744103.88
11Shanghai Storm65162844103.66
12Yuzawa Yakuza7027314496.03
13Port Morseby Iguanadons6978384483.17
14Alexandria Heiroglyphics65256235116.01
15Siberian Wolverines5247542669.5
16Windsor Warriors3507691745.51
17Marseille Kings3828991742.49
18Belfast Braves3617230849.93

Purple 77

Holy crap, are PNL really number 1 in EurAsia?!


2nd highest scoring team in the comp  8)

Points against and % should be abolished - should just be sorted by total points  ;D


Quote from: Purple 77 on May 15, 2016, 09:24:10 PM
Holy crap, are PNL really number 1 in EurAsia?!
Everything coming up PNL this week, nabbed a win, Marseilles win their first of the year and on top of EurAsia 8). Now to continue our season revival somehow :-X.

I also reckon this has been the most even season in a long time! Quite a few teams can win on their day, and the race for Finals is wide open to be honest, a 2-3 game losing streak from those placed 6-8 could see them lose their spot.