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Started by GoldDigger, February 20, 2016, 12:24:18 AM

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To carry on from...,70976.0.htm

Ten places left. Genuine Relton owners please. If I can't find enough genuine Relton owners here, I'll call  for more over at SCC.


Still 9 places for you Relton Lovers!


I can disband the league, or we get unknowns come round one - preferences?


Quote from: GoldDigger on March 03, 2016, 07:22:35 PM
I can disband the league, or we get unknowns come round one - preferences?
surely we'll find some FF people in this last week or so ...   ???   ;)


Quote from: j959 on March 04, 2016, 01:11:07 PM
Quote from: GoldDigger on March 03, 2016, 07:22:35 PM
I can disband the league, or we get unknowns come round one - preferences?
surely we'll find some FF people in this last week or so ...   ???   ;)

Fingers crossed!

Come on FF Relton fans - owners or just admirers accepted ...


Not a lot of FF love for Relton anymore ...  RIP!


Can I make this 10 person league?

Done - could all members check the league for the new league code for a 10 person league.


Could the coaches of the following teams check the RRML VI league noticeboard for a new 10 team league number.

Leave the old league, and join the new, smaller league please ...

Follow The Process

The Recruits

Fletch's Fellows

Raging Marshmellow

Beware! Giants!

The Rampant Rama's


In, cheers mate.  ;)


Highlight reel/s here ...

and here

Played 2 games - no price rise ... got lonesome and went home.

He actually had career totals of 12 kicks, 1 Hb, 5 marks, 2 behinds, 1 tackle and 1 FA.
And his SC peak was 15 points.


Good to see there is still some sane people on here  :P Long live Relton  :-*
Sorry didn't make it in this year, I'll be back next year ;)


Quote from: Boomz on March 24, 2016, 07:52:13 PM
Good to see there is still some sane people on here  :P Long live Relton  :-*
Sorry didn't make it in this year, I'll be back next year ;)

Good to see you about Boomz, hope your well mate.
