Rule Change Discussion for 2015/16

Started by Ringo, July 20, 2015, 12:25:17 PM

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To answer PK fist No not everyone has voted as yet.

Reading the thread how about this for an amendment taking into consideration Rids variation. If a player is replaced before half time or  if he spends less than 40% time on ground then substitution from emergency players is allowed at either full points if emergency is from same line  or half points if OOP emergency is used. Administrator to decide if TOG is injury related or not to remove cases where player is sparingly used.


Seems like one of the fairest ways to do it Ringo.

I'm happy with that.


Also with AFL looking at trading future picks should we consider it as well.

Think we could go along similar lines to AFL ie if you trade a first round pick that is the only future pick you are allowed to trade.  If however you wish to trade non first round picks you may trade as many as wish. Do we also need to apply a restriction like if you trade a future Round 1 pick you can not trade a future round 1 pick for the following year,

Just to generate some more discussion.



Massive no for trading future picks here. These comps are not designed to handle this complexity imo.






definite no for me ........ could you imagine a team like Grope Lane, with the way it had been seriously mishandled, also had future draft picks traded away


Quote from: Ringo on August 06, 2015, 02:46:01 PM
To answer PK fist No not everyone has voted as yet.

Reading the thread how about this for an amendment taking into consideration Rids variation. If a player is replaced before half time or  if he spends less than 40% time on ground then substitution from emergency players is allowed at either full points if emergency is from same line  or half points if OOP emergency is used. Administrator to decide if TOG is injury related or not to remove cases where player is sparingly used.

Like it Ringo, well done.

Also nope to trading future picks too here haha


How's the vote going?? .........figure here if anyone hasn't voted by now that they can't really be bothered  ::)


Quote from: nostradamus on August 10, 2015, 02:04:36 PM
How's the vote going?? .........figure here if anyone hasn't voted by now that they can't really be bothered  ::)


For the record there are 2 coaches still to vote.  Whilst some of the votes are clear cut 2 votes can go either way with these 2 votes so in fairness will leave vote to closing time.


Surely its not too hard... has a reminder been sent??