Rule Change Discussion for 2015/16

Started by Ringo, July 20, 2015, 12:25:17 PM

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Quote from: Rids on July 29, 2015, 12:52:44 PM
Quote from: Pkbaldy on July 29, 2015, 12:46:36 PM

Surely we can take out clangers?? ;) If half my team weren't footballers they'd be amazing butchers.

Haha! I know that feeling  ::) ::) ::)

114 Clangers already this year from my 2 best midfielders (Dangerfield and Boak) haha...


Quote from: Pkbaldy on July 29, 2015, 12:59:50 PM
Quote from: Rids on July 29, 2015, 12:52:44 PM
Quote from: Pkbaldy on July 29, 2015, 12:46:36 PM

Surely we can take out clangers?? ;) If half my team weren't footballers they'd be amazing butchers.

Haha! I know that feeling  ::) ::) ::)

114 Clangers already this year from my 2 best midfielders (Dangerfield and Boak) haha...
We have the worst in the league... Dusty has 66 himself!


Quote from: Spite on July 29, 2015, 12:03:00 PM
By using the UF stats plus, we can get a kind of mash up of the sportal scoring, but definitely the closest to sportal possible, as we can set points for contested possessions.

On a personal level, the hedgehogs do not have any defenders and have hardly any forwards. We have had to play OOP forwards and backs this year. If we change to stadium sports and suddenly forwards and defenders have increased value, we will not be able to get them. I have yet to complain like LF about the new scoring system killing our squad but if truth be told, it is not hard for every single person to see that premiers sinking to bottom four in one season, with a top up of players from crumbled teams, is clearly the most affected team from the rule change. It has not been fun and I was happy to persist and keep building for next season but changing to stadium sports will put us even further down the list and in rebuild territory. We will come dead last (with giants - sorry giants) next season using that scoring so I am a bit biased against using it, I will admit that.

You've had a bunch of injuries as well this year yeah? Which obviously doesn't help you guys either.

This scoring system has really screwed with my defenders and forwards basically my midfield has held my team up all year because they are players suited to both SC and DT.
Not saying I haven't had some decent scores from them for example Harry Taylor has had a few good ones,just saying compared to last season they have been nowhere near as good and the low scores are very low now rather than sitting somewhere like 50 or 60 points,I'm talking below 40.


Thought I would do a comparison so when we vote we can see the difference

This is what we had in Sportal
Kick    3 Points
Handball    1 Point
Contested Possession *    4 Points
Uncontested Possession **    2 Points
Tackle    3 Points
Hitout    1 Point
Clanger ***    -5 Points
Goal    6 Points
Behind    1 Point

* A contested possession is any possession won in dispute (this includes contested mark, hardball-get, looseball-get, free kick for).
** An uncontested possession is any possession gained from a team mate (uncontested mark, handball-receive).
*** Clangers include any blatant unforced error including free kick against, 50m penalty against, dropped marks.

Stadium Sports  (We can tailor points scoring to suit assuming we get access to what is currently locked)
KI    Kicks       
HB    Handballs       
MA    Marks      
HO    Hitouts       
TK    Tackles       
FF    Free Kicks For       
FA    Free Kicks Against       
FD    Free Kick Differential       
GL    Goals       
BH    Behinds       
D    Disposals   
ED    Effective Disposals   
IED    Ineffective Disposals   
CP    Contested Possessions     
R50    Rebound 50s   
SP    Spoils   
CL    Clearances   

Red are ones we did not count and the only one that we counted that is not recorded in AF is uncontested possessions.  Free Kicks and Disposals were not measured separately but some in the clangers area hence why I did not highlight.

With UF we have the capabaility of setting own scores for the action as well. One other advantage for me is if I set up League up properly draw is done automatically for us.

Stadium Sports
Effective Kick   6
Ineffective Kick    -1
Clanger Kick    -8
Effective Handball    2
Ineffective Handball    -1
Handball Clanger    -4
Handball receive    1
Hardball Get    5.5
Loose-Ball get    1
Goal    10
Behind    1
Mark uncontested (maintaining possession)    1
Mark contested (maintaining possession)    8
Mark uncontested (from opposition)    10
Mark contested (from opposition)    20
Tackles    3.5
Free kick for    2
Free kick against    -4
Hitout to advantage    4
Outside 50 Goal    20
Running bounce    2
Shephard    2
Smother    5
Goal Assist    5
Marks inside 50    3
Covers all stats and more but scores are inflated due to the scores for goal. Has its disadvantages as well in that it is following SC with only HO to advantage being recorded as scoring.

So there it is for you to consider when voting in the near future.


Yeah out of them I still prefer Stadium. But I guess it all goes to a vote.


UF or stadium either one I don't mind,so long as it's not what we used this year


I prefer Stadium out of all of the options.

But if not Stadium, then UF  because it still beats the current system hands down.


Quote from: nostradamus on July 29, 2015, 03:13:29 PM
I prefer Stadium out of all of the options.

But if not Stadium, then UF  because it still beats the current system hands down.


Quote from: Pkbaldy on July 29, 2015, 03:43:26 PM
Quote from: nostradamus on July 29, 2015, 03:13:29 PM
I prefer Stadium out of all of the options.

But if not Stadium, then UF  because it still beats the current system hands down.


Quote from: nostradamus on July 29, 2015, 03:13:29 PM
I prefer Stadium out of all of the options.

But if not Stadium, then UF  because it still beats the current system hands down.


A couple of rule changes for discussion to assist lower placed teams and try and even the competition.

As there seems to be some disagreement as to whether to increase liists floating this idea that Teams finishing 13 - 16 be allowed to have a playing list of 48 Players am extra three players to be chosen at end of National Draft.  Once teams finish above 13th place list to revert to 45 players.  Also thinking of doing away with Rookie lists.

Regarding trading thinking of increasing trade movements to 20 subject to debate but also giving teams finishing in the bottom 4 an additional 2 movements - These movements to be identified and will not count as a player movement for the other party eg Giants negotiate a trade with Werewolves and nominate it as concessional movement movement does not count for Werewolves, 

Just a couple of ideas I am toying with to try and even the competition.  These are similar to AFL concessions granted to Suns and Giants.


Yeah looks good Ringo. I too think that Rookie Lists are pointless in these types of things. So scrapping that would be amazing.


Scrapping rookie list wouldn't hurt
But no to increasing anyone's list,everyone should have the same amount of players on their list,higher teams have to cope with struggling to field a team sometimes as well no matter how much depth they have or haven't got.
And don't mind increasing movements for trading but if you are doing that then we definitely should not have any need to increase list sizes.


Like scrapping the rookie list.

Also like the increase in trade movements.

Do not like the increase list size for any teams.


l too like the increase to list movements and the scrapping of the rookie list.

But increasing list size seems unfair and has the potential to create an uneven playing field.