Rule Change Discussion for 2015/16

Started by Ringo, July 20, 2015, 12:25:17 PM

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Quote from: Rusty00 on August 13, 2015, 08:50:04 AM
Quote from: nostradamus on August 13, 2015, 08:39:15 AM
Regardless of what penalties are imposed regarding non-naming of teams l think there needs to be some lee-way. There are many situations that arise in peoples lives that may result in an XV comp paling into insignificance for a period of time.

Maybe some clause needs to be included about "special circumstance", that Ringo needs to be notified of and some temporary arrangements be put in place (at Ringo's discretion of course).

I know this sounds a bit wishy washy, but we're all here for the same reason........we love footy and want to be involved in this great league that is BXV.
Yeah, I agree with this. I appreciate that we all want participation and discussion on here but things happen in RL and we don't want to be constantly looking for new coaches, as lets be honest there aren't going to be that many around. I'm happy to impose scoring penalties, but I really think a sacking should only be if it's obvious that a coach really doesn't give a stuff and goes on a continual run of inactivity.

I'm not meaning to call anyone out here, but did we actually have a problem with this issue this season? I would've thought there was no more than 5-6 times that teams weren't named?
To answer a couple of queries raised here,
Penalties will be applied at discretion of administrator. If I get a PM outlying circumstances I will rule. I did get PM.s twice this season so no real issues with this.

We had 5 occasions this year where teams were not named so as you say a minor problem.  My concern is on 3 of those occasions the team not being named won the week so not a real penalty. Is this fair to other teams and could mean missing out on finals?

Like the idea of just having the one penalty "removal of Captains bonus and at Administrators discretion". 


Quote from: Ringo on August 13, 2015, 09:04:28 AM
Quote from: Rusty00 on August 13, 2015, 08:50:04 AM
Quote from: nostradamus on August 13, 2015, 08:39:15 AM
Regardless of what penalties are imposed regarding non-naming of teams l think there needs to be some lee-way. There are many situations that arise in peoples lives that may result in an XV comp paling into insignificance for a period of time.

Maybe some clause needs to be included about "special circumstance", that Ringo needs to be notified of and some temporary arrangements be put in place (at Ringo's discretion of course).

I know this sounds a bit wishy washy, but we're all here for the same reason........we love footy and want to be involved in this great league that is BXV.
Yeah, I agree with this. I appreciate that we all want participation and discussion on here but things happen in RL and we don't want to be constantly looking for new coaches, as lets be honest there aren't going to be that many around. I'm happy to impose scoring penalties, but I really think a sacking should only be if it's obvious that a coach really doesn't give a stuff and goes on a continual run of inactivity.

I'm not meaning to call anyone out here, but did we actually have a problem with this issue this season? I would've thought there was no more than 5-6 times that teams weren't named?
To answer a couple of queries raised here,
Penalties will be applied at discretion of administrator. If I get a PM outlying circumstances I will rule. I did get PM.s twice this season so no real issues with this.

We had 5 occasions this year where teams were not named so as you say a minor problem.  My concern is on 3 of those occasions the team not being named won the week so not a real penalty. Is this fair to other teams and could mean missing out on finals?

Like the idea of just having the one penalty "removal of Captains bonus and at Administrators discretion".

This.......then maybe loss of top scorer as well if further unexplained non-naming of team occurs


well using myself as an example i had internet issues twice and couldn't name teams is like the only time i haven't named a team

i do have a co coach but told him just to let me name teams however next year i will ask him to be more aware in case i have net issues again


Any word on how the re-vote is going?


Okay, so maybe the second penalty (first a warning) needs to be ensure the team gets properly penalised (loss of scorer - top or bottom, or HGA if applicable, alternatively a loss of C/VC).

I mean, 5 times a team wasn't submitted but it won, that's pretty unfair on the coach they played who actually made the effort. If you don't name a team, you shouldn't win.


Has bonus points for updating team scores been discussed? We're strongly against it. I know it helps Ringo but maybe we can find an assistant to help him out instead. Bit unfair that games can be decided based on it


Quote from: Ricochet on August 13, 2015, 11:33:32 AM
Has bonus points for updating team scores been discussed? We're strongly against it. I know it helps Ringo but maybe we can find an assistant to help him out instead. Bit unfair that games can be decided based on it

I don't mind it even though we never get bonus points.

Sunday night once the round finishes is probably the only time of week when I'm not online/can check to update scores. And, being in WA Monday morning doesn't work as by the time I'm at work and online (where I can update things) the deadline has passed.

If we set up a UF league using that scoring then scores would be done automatically....


Maybe we scrap the 20 points and we just update our teams to help Ringo


Quote from: Memphistopheles on August 13, 2015, 12:52:59 PM
If we set up a UF league using that scoring then scores would be done automatically....

I have no idea about the logistics of this, but if its easy and free, get around it.


Quote from: nrich102 on August 13, 2015, 02:00:20 PM
Maybe we scrap the 20 points and we just update our teams to help Ringo
This works as well, most scoring systems are easily accessible.


The 2 scoring systems up for vote will have the scoring done for us so wont take too much to just add them to our named team lists at some point through the weekend.

Not sure I like the idea of people getting pts for doing their score updates. I haven't done it once all year and only just realised that there were pts for doing it. My bad I know but with a busy life and many teams time isnt always available to read all threads on all forums.


Just a clarification Nige the 5 teams were not the same team that was the total of teams not named over the season. 

Regarding the 20 points bonus I do not mind either way but really appreciated it this year due to the amount of manual work involved with two scoring systems. On a few occasions I had made mistakes recording scores and was able to fix that due to posting scores.

Regarding votes still 4 coaches to revote and still do not have a majority,



All votes are in and we will be using an amended Ultimate Footy scoring system for next year.

Amended Ultimate Sports 9 votes
Stadium Sports 7 votes.

So now you know the system we use so you now start to prepare accordingly. We will have discussions on which scores to use and points for each one.  Will endeavour to match as close as possible to original Sportal system.


Is Ultimate Footy the ran by The Age?