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WXV Trade Talk

Started by meow meow, July 13, 2015, 07:35:23 PM

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Quote from: Jayman on September 16, 2015, 04:37:56 PM
Quote from: RaisyDaisy on September 16, 2015, 04:28:30 PM
Quote from: kilbluff1985 on September 16, 2015, 03:58:22 PM
wow that trades crazy

OK, you got me - I'll bite

After reading my explanation when posting the trade, please tell me how the trade is crazy
Because Lamb, Lowden and NAT 12 doesn't even come close to Tex...

LOL seriously? Just because Tex was huge on the weekend don't go inflating his value. He is a 80-90 avg forward. A first round pick is big, Lamb will be a star and KK is much more valuable than Houli


Can I neg it because when I asked what Levi was after for tex he said he was only re negotiating the original deal.



Quote from: RaisyDaisy on September 16, 2015, 04:40:00 PM
LOL seriously? Just because Tex was huge on the weekend don't go inflating his value. He is a 80-90 avg forward.

In which case I'm surprised that a 90 avg mid/fwd (could speculatively retain/lose DPP) and a 71 avg mid (speculatively could gain DPP) isn't worth that then :-\


Quote from: Toga on September 16, 2015, 04:43:21 PM
Quote from: RaisyDaisy on September 16, 2015, 04:40:00 PM
LOL seriously? Just because Tex was huge on the weekend don't go inflating his value. He is a 80-90 avg forward.

In which case I'm surprised that a 90 avg mid/fwd (could speculatively retain/lose DPP) and a 71 avg mid (speculatively could gain DPP) isn't worth that then :-\

We passed your trade for Tex, but I don't think you can compare it to this trade. A first round draft pick and a proven gun kid in KK plus Lamb is much more better than Mav Weller and Sam Gray.

Anyway, we seem to have the same issues arise over and over again. People are voting and looking at trades emotionally and that's not right. The emotion needs to be removed, and anyone who can look at our trade with Rio logically surely has to agree that it's fair and balanced

Purple 77

The following is a general reminder not needed for the majority, but clearly for the minority (no personal cases to me, but I have received about 3-5 complaints about it happening):

If you plan to trade a player, and coaches expressed their interest in that player... MAKE SURE EVERY COACH IS INFORMED AND HAS RECEIVED ADEQUATE OPPORTUNITY TO COUNTER-OFFER, then when they have pulled out of the race and one offer remains, THEN you post it!

That right there ^^ is a rule that should NEVER be violated. And it really is a piss poor effort by a coach, if you trade a player when another coach is in the middle of negotiations for that player. Get your shower together. Show some common courtesy/decency.

If someone brakes that rule, tell me, and if a repeat offender emerges, I'll both publicise that coach and take away their last draft pick, and continue to do it until they have nothing left. This also goes for other unsocial trade behaviour.

Think it's about time we got rid of this habit, yeah? I've had enough hearing about it.


yeah but often if someone gets told about a deal and they don't want to make a counter offer they wont even reply

Purple 77

I'll add that however, that if it is small insignificant deals, then it doesn't matter as much. But if it involves players of the calibre of *choosing random player* Nathan Buckley, then obviously there is more courtesy owed.

Purple 77

Quote from: kilbluff1985 on September 16, 2015, 05:05:22 PM
yeah but often if someone gets told about a deal and they don't want to make a counter offer they wont even reply

This is also valid, and I'd class that as offering adequate time to counteroffer :)


Holy flower, I've missed some shower.


Rio made us an offer which we accepted.

Rio should have consulted with the other parties to inform of the offer to see if they could have beaten it.

Obviously this should have been done before our offer was finalised and posted.

But getting accused of poaching a player involved in re-negotiation when it is 100% incorrect really pissed me off. We were approached with an offer which we accepted

Hopefully that clears that up...  >:(

And on top of that we cop more shower about our the trade. We cop more shower than any other team.

Didn't all of our flowering trades pass last time?

If you have a problem with our trades don't flowering dog about it and the pass the trades.


Mate, since RD's explanation I don't think anyone is accusing you of poaching...


Quote from: AaronKirk on September 16, 2015, 06:10:23 PM
Rio made us an offer which we accepted.

Rio should have consulted with the other parties to inform of the offer to see if they could have beaten it.

Obviously this should have been done before our offer was finalised and posted.

But getting accused of poaching a player involved in re-negotiation when it is 100% incorrect really pissed me off. We were approached with an offer which we accepted

Hopefully that clears that up...  >:(

Levi told me he did that. I said that we would accept his offer - he said to just wait until he tells the other coaches he was talking to about Tex, and then he got back to me later saying it was all done and good to go so I posted the trade

I think the problem some people are having, is that although he may have done this today, he may not have done it previously. Go back a few pages I and I posted a pretty frustrated message about the exact same thing so I think it's fair to say that he now knows that moving forward he needs to inform all coaches who he is discussing deals with about taking an offer before just going ahead with it

With all that being said, I hope that this doesn't impact the trade, and that it is assessed purely on it's merits with no previous experiences/emotion being taken out on our deal


Quote from: elephants on September 16, 2015, 06:13:35 PM
Mate, since RD's explanation I don't think anyone is accusing you of poaching...
This. It's just a shower trade lol.


Quote from: Jayman on September 16, 2015, 06:19:32 PM
Quote from: elephants on September 16, 2015, 06:13:35 PM
Mate, since RD's explanation I don't think anyone is accusing you of poaching...
This. It's just a shower trade lol.

Explain rationally how it is a shower trade and not fair?