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WXV Trade Talk

Started by meow meow, July 13, 2015, 07:35:23 PM

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Quote from: kilbluff1985 on September 01, 2015, 06:16:57 PM
Quote from: RaisyDaisy on September 01, 2015, 06:15:13 PM
Quote from: Purple 77 on September 01, 2015, 06:03:38 PM
Quote from: RaisyDaisy on September 01, 2015, 06:02:19 PM
What do you mean a team might be going into the redraft? Other than Wolves and Dildos? A 3rd team? Surely not!

Oh yeah, I posted that in the applications thread, but not at Worlds.

Yep, a third team.

Hold on a minute. So a 3rd team, one of the existing World teams, is considering dismantling their team and entering the redraft with the Wolves and Dildos list?

no a 3rd coach is considering quitting

Oh, LOL OK then - then you're still a chance KB!

Well if you're at the point when you're even considering quitting, then I dare say that's the answer


Quote from: ossie85 on September 01, 2015, 06:17:59 PM

New management guys, Dillos please! Not Dildos, players don't like it :p


Cant make any promises Ossie :P


Quote from: RaisyDaisy on September 01, 2015, 06:16:26 PM
Quote from: DazBurg on September 01, 2015, 06:10:24 PM
no but is SJ announces retirement on thursday may shake your deal up a bit :P...

That's fine - we have contingency plans in place for that scenario.  :)
good work ;)

Purple 77

And just like that, it's now just the two teams again.

Quote from: meow meow on September 01, 2015, 06:07:31 PM
Is the draft happening for sure? I thought you changed your mind about that Purps?

Just giving the option to the coaches now. The supporters of the re-draft seem less passionate than the opposers. But, the decision to go ahead with the re-draft was made before the coaches applied, so I still expect a re-draft to happen.


Everyone thinks that NY and Dublin have got a big deal going on

It's nothing compared to the deal with have with PNL  8)


I've clearly missed something in amongst the mountains of posts.  ???


Quote from: Purple 77 on September 01, 2015, 06:22:10 PM
I don't even know, I'm getting sick of the circus of trying to keep everyone happy really.

And that right there needs to change - and that's not on you - that's on all the coaches

There has been so much discussion, whining, suggestions etc etc going on and poor old Purps is getting bombarded

Purps, the amount of involvement you give all coaches on decisions is fantastic, but sometimes I think you might just need to pull rank and just make decisions based on what you think is best for the comp, and not take on everyone opinions for every topic or scenario that comes up because the last thing we need is you starting to feel frustrated or overwhelmed and sometimes as Admin you just need to make decisions without coaches input

Pull rank Purps - and let coaches just deal with it


Quote from: RaisyDaisy on September 01, 2015, 06:27:16 PM
Quote from: Purple 77 on September 01, 2015, 06:22:10 PM
I don't even know, I'm getting sick of the circus of trying to keep everyone happy really.

And that right there needs to change - and that's not on you - that's on all the coaches

There has been so much discussion, whining, suggestions etc etc going on and poor old Purps is getting bombarded

Purps, the amount of involvement you give all coaches on decisions is fantastic, but sometimes I think you might just need to pull rank and just make decisions based on what you think is best for the comp, and not take on everyone opinions for every topic or scenario that comes up because the last thing we need is you starting to feel frustrated or overwhelmed and sometimes as Admin you just need to make decisions without coaches input

Pull rank Purps - and let coaches just deal with it
woah hang on. You can't have a crack at coaches for voicing their opinions when they've been asked to do so. This comp works best with all coaches input. Don't take that away

Purple 77

Quote from: RaisyDaisy on September 01, 2015, 06:27:16 PM
Purps, the amount of involvement you give all coaches on decisions is fantastic, but sometimes I think you might just need to pull rank and just make decisions based on what you think is best for the comp,

I've been thinking that too recently. But I'm aware I will make a wrong decision eventually, and that I don't want it to become a dictatorship.

The input from coaches has been great as well  :)

Bah, ignore me. It's all good  8)


Quote from: Ricochet on September 01, 2015, 06:37:04 PM
Quote from: RaisyDaisy on September 01, 2015, 06:27:16 PM
Quote from: Purple 77 on September 01, 2015, 06:22:10 PM
I don't even know, I'm getting sick of the circus of trying to keep everyone happy really.

And that right there needs to change - and that's not on you - that's on all the coaches

There has been so much discussion, whining, suggestions etc etc going on and poor old Purps is getting bombarded

Purps, the amount of involvement you give all coaches on decisions is fantastic, but sometimes I think you might just need to pull rank and just make decisions based on what you think is best for the comp, and not take on everyone opinions for every topic or scenario that comes up because the last thing we need is you starting to feel frustrated or overwhelmed and sometimes as Admin you just need to make decisions without coaches input

Pull rank Purps - and let coaches just deal with it
woah hang on. You can't have a crack at coaches for voicing their opinions when they've been asked to do so. This comp works best with all coaches input. Don't take that away

I'm not having a crack at coaches for voicing their opinion. I'm a coach too and of course we all need to have input - that's why Worlds has been so good - but clearly Purps needs to be cut some slack from us. Just put yourself in his position, having to consider 20+ coaches opinions and trying to please everyone.


You know this competition is the best when there is always something to read on the board, discussion/debate/generally talking shower makes this game.


Quote from: RaisyDaisy on September 01, 2015, 06:50:50 PM
Quote from: Ricochet on September 01, 2015, 06:37:04 PM
Quote from: RaisyDaisy on September 01, 2015, 06:27:16 PM
Quote from: Purple 77 on September 01, 2015, 06:22:10 PM
I don't even know, I'm getting sick of the circus of trying to keep everyone happy really.

And that right there needs to change - and that's not on you - that's on all the coaches

There has been so much discussion, whining, suggestions etc etc going on and poor old Purps is getting bombarded

Purps, the amount of involvement you give all coaches on decisions is fantastic, but sometimes I think you might just need to pull rank and just make decisions based on what you think is best for the comp, and not take on everyone opinions for every topic or scenario that comes up because the last thing we need is you starting to feel frustrated or overwhelmed and sometimes as Admin you just need to make decisions without coaches input

Pull rank Purps - and let coaches just deal with it
woah hang on. You can't have a crack at coaches for voicing their opinions when they've been asked to do so. This comp works best with all coaches input. Don't take that away

I'm not having a crack at coaches for voicing their opinion. I'm a coach too and of course we all need to have input - that's why Worlds has been so good - but clearly Purps needs to be cut some slack from us. Just put yourself in his position, having to consider 20+ coaches opinions and trying to please everyone.
That comes with trying to implement change. You can't do anything about that. There will always be discussions and 'whinging'. And from I've seen noone has been unfair towards Purps unless I've missed something??


Quote from: Purple 77 on September 01, 2015, 06:50:02 PM
Quote from: RaisyDaisy on September 01, 2015, 06:27:16 PM
Purps, the amount of involvement you give all coaches on decisions is fantastic, but sometimes I think you might just need to pull rank and just make decisions based on what you think is best for the comp,

I've been thinking that too recently. But I'm aware I will make a wrong decision eventually, and that I don't want it to become a dictatorship.

The input from coaches has been great as well  :)

Bah, ignore me. It's all good  8)

your a great admin do dictatorship.

i trust you over the voting of the 18 coaches. Its not like they dont make wrong decisions


Quote from: DazBurg on September 01, 2015, 06:10:24 PM
Quote from: Holz on September 01, 2015, 05:51:34 PM
Quote from: Nige on September 01, 2015, 05:48:02 PM
Quote from: RaisyDaisy on September 01, 2015, 05:46:38 PM
CBF reading back. When does the trade period open?

Sunday night?  :-*
That keen to see the uproar over your trade?  :P
im just waiting to see Rocky trade come up.

maybe PNL give Hodge and Lewis for Fyfe
we have hodge who is lewis? you mean jordan? you thinking of euros again?
as Lewis is at mexico :P
Sounding about right there Daz :P.

Quote from: RaisyDaisy on September 01, 2015, 06:22:43 PM
Everyone thinks that NY and Dublin have got a big deal going on

It's nothing compared to the deal we have with PNL  8)
It has earth shattering ramifications!!


Quote from: Ricochet on September 01, 2015, 06:55:40 PM
That comes with trying to implement change. You can't do anything about that. There will always be discussions and 'whinging'. And from I've seen noone has been unfair towards Purps unless I've missed something??

Nah no one has been unfair, but when the admin of the comp refers to the difficulties of managing everything and everyone's concerns,  alarm bells ring for me which is why all I have simply said is that we need to stop bombarding him and he needs to pull rank as admin and just make decisions.

We all back Purps and he's doing an incredible amount of work on top of everything else he has to deal with. I just don't think we need to have so much influence over every single decision. Of course you can't please everyone.

Anyway #inpurpswetrust