3 second vote..Best Rookie to bring in..

Started by Mark, June 01, 2015, 07:21:25 PM

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Wanted to just get an idea of who the community would be downgrading to this week and also im sure every second person has the same question going through there head..

Was thinking Boston or Hamling but not sure


Depends on your bye sitch.

Boston is the best player of the bunch but has the R12 bye.

Dumont has a R13 bye and laid 10 tackles on the weekend.

Robinson/ Hamiling shaky JS, but fairly good scorers..


 my 3 seconds run out and i heard that Family Fued buzzer go off in my head, guess i just choked.


Quote from: Grufflez on June 01, 2015, 07:49:58 PM
my 3 seconds run out and i heard that Family Fued buzzer go off in my head, guess i just choked.

would of been less time just to vote



Quote from: david17 on June 01, 2015, 07:56:25 PM
What about Glenn if his named

Ill add Glenn now mate...

Glenn added when scores where...
Dumont 12
Hamling 4
Boston 2
Robonson 1


Ok Ok, i voted Hamling but i am also looking at the Cabbie Basher myself this week, i like his tackle count.


Good thread. I reckon dumont. 10 tackles is a great effort by a kid and should be rewarded. At least he had a go. Seems he has some talent too..


I'm choosing between Glenn or Boston a week early.

I can work around the round 12 bye, but need to grab one this week


I think Glenn if fit with all the GC injuries

Money Shot


Dumont - Shown he can score but he may be the sub again when Swallow comes back in the side.
Robinson - Great score but I would say he has the worst JS of the lot.
Hamling - If he is named after there bye, should be a lock for everyone.
Boston / Glenn - R12 bye is the issue, would happily bring in either though.

If you need one this week I would go Dumont (if named),
then Boston/Glenn are the options for the next R11.
And Hamling should be the downgrade in R12.



Glenn or Dumont. It's just a shame that North play on Sunday


I would go Dumont but if Glenn is back then he nudges just ahead. Suns have soooo many injuries his JS is awesome.