the whipping boys

Started by 709394, March 21, 2010, 03:12:15 AM

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jordan mcmahon, LRT, chris tarrant, thomas murphy, ralph clarke, lachie hansen, kepler bradley.  (jake king, setan o'hailpin)

richard tampling, brock mclean, travis johnstone, daniel wells, henry slattery, tom hislop.  (x clarke, jarrod oakley-nicolls)

will minson, simon taylor.  (jason laycock, brent renouf)

ryan houlihan, dale thomas, stephen milne, simon wiggins, cameron cloke, brett ebert, leigh brown.  (jay schulz, michael newton)

too bad nick stevens and kane pettifer are no longer play.

all fit under the 10 mil cap.  can you think of anyone else.

trying to do a redhead team but not enough players.


Pretty much spot on. Good pick up of JON. I would be starting him on the field though.
Any ideas on your captain?


at the moment captain would have to be brock meclean and vice caption jordan mcmahon.

JON for the brownlow.


Are you serious about this team?


LRT is no whipping boy, he's a cult hero! And he's improved out of sight, not that that is difficult considering how bad he was to begin with. Handy player now


Great to see this idea picked up in SC - go for it 709394