Trading history

Started by eaglesman, March 18, 2015, 06:42:00 PM

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Just curious for the coaches out there.

I know when I ran 8th I can confidently say I wasted 6 trades. 6 completely and utterly stupidity trades. Might have been the difference between a higher finish But I honestly think with so many trades many on here seem to get hung up on trading structures and trade saving and what not.

30 trades is so many!

How many trades do you think u have wasted over the year???


I would like to say none but yeah probably somewhere the same , it's hard not to and doubt anyone will say they wasted none unless they had the worst run of injuries in the history of SC but more important as I found out last year is saving trades for right up to the last round ranking wise they truly are gold  ;)


I reckon I probably have 1-2 trades a year that I would say were a genuine waste, but the biggest "waste" that I seem to get caught doing is milking rookies a little prematurely because of my eagerness to get in a premo

Sabretooth Tigers

two bad trades last year, but similar to RD in premature trading.   


Milked Langdon early, then he got 128 and 118 either side of the bye :(
Brought in Priddis at the end to cover some of the Mid Premo carnage and he got 77 and 100 to finish the season!


Quote from: shaker on March 18, 2015, 06:53:50 PM
.... but more important as I found out last year is saving trades for right up to the last round ranking wise they truly are gold  ;)
Totally agree with this. I didn't use any trades in Rds.19-21 to keep 3 for the final 2 rounds. My ranking dipped slightly over rounds 19-21, but then I was able to trade my way out of the carnage in the final 2 rounds jumping my from 304 to 109.

Of course if you are in the running for the major prize you need to keep going hard for longer.