Round 2 unlimited trades???

Started by jvalles69, March 17, 2015, 06:43:19 PM

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I remember hearing ages ago that you would have unlimited trades again after round 1 like 2014?  Can anyone confirm or deny this?


yeah, was last year, so makes sense they will do it again.


Not the case. Can't remember where I heard it though, will try to find a source.


From the game guidelines...

"Up until Round 1 you can make as many Trades as you like, but after Round 1 you are limited to two Trades per week."


we only got i last year due a split round in rd1


yeah, was a pretty contentious rule as well, so not overly surprised they changed it


Good!  I flowered my team up last year by second guessing myself after round 1!


No unlimited trades after round 1 it has been clearly stated by the traders/DTTalk and also in the rules I think