ROSYS BEER NUTS - Team thread

Started by ROSY, February 08, 2015, 09:19:53 PM

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Ive been tinkering since SC Gold team picker was up late last year. Finally half happy with my structure.
Im sure there will be many changes as rooks are just fillers and NAB cup can change anything for all players depending on roles.

BACKS - K Simpson, H Shaw, L Hodge, G Ibbotson, B Waters, B Whitecross (H Goddard, D Viojo)

MIDS - G Ablett, S Pendlebury, D Beams, R Griffin, N van Berlo, I Heeney, B Boekhorst, N Freeman
          (J Steele, K Lambert, A Neal-Bullen)

RUCKS - S Mumford, N Naitanui (T Nankervis)

FWDS - R Gray, B Deledio, B Goddard, D Swan, M Clark, J Hogan (J Laverde, C Daniel)

Cash left - $28K

I would appreciate feedback on players and structure. Not sure if a premo/value M5 (100+ ave) is a must to gain early rank, or use the mid more for cash production.. Also importance of ruck DPP going in with Mummy & Nic Nat.?

Happy to share rate for rate. Cheers :)

Big Mac

Don't think I've seen you around before so welcome to the forums :)

No issues with the structure, but I think you might need to reconsider some players.

Hodge - Not too much of an issue, but will probably be managed at times this year
Mumford - Pretty much guaranteed to miss 3+ games. If you went with him you'd definitely want some cover
Gray - Had a breakout year so should regress somewhat - Players reaching the elite bracket for the first time rarely back it up the next year


Quote from: Big  Mac on February 08, 2015, 09:29:48 PM
Don't think I've seen you around before so welcome to the forums :)

No issues with the structure, but I think you might need to reconsider some players.

Hodge - Not too much of an issue, but will probably be managed at times this year
Mumford - Pretty much guaranteed to miss 3+ games. If you went with him you'd definitely want some cover
Gray - Had a breakout year so should regress somewhat - Players reaching the elite bracket for the first time rarely back it up the next year

Thanks mate. Last year was my first year posting on forum but not that active.
Will definately take on board advice with Gray, makes sense. Not sure who I like in the rucks as a set and forget pick.? I have been toying with Minson/Maric?
Might look at swapping Hodgey with Burgoin.

Money Shot

Pretty good team I must say.

I just see more super premiums in that line up.

I for one love the Mumford pick.
Beams is also a great pod.


Mumford>Goldstein if you want a proven ruck scorer and save $40k.
  Hodge> another $15k

Put the extra cash into your midfield perhaps.


Howdy, I have been playing around with my structure throughout the NAB Cup. Have tried not to let NAB form influence my choices too much, more so role / team changes etc...

Here's where i'm at:

K Simpson, J Gibson, J Newnes, H Lumumba, G Ibbotson, N Brown (H Goddard, A Saad)

G Ablett, S Pendlebury, J Selwood, J Kennedy, R Griffin, N van Berlo, I Heeney, A Vandenburg
(N Freeman, J Steele, N Krakouer)

I Maric, N Naitanui ( R O'Brien)

J Bartel, D Martin, D Swan, C Salem, M Clarke, P Karnezis (J Hogan, K Lambert)

$100 left.

I am happy to have depth in the defence, including Lumumba and pushing Ibbo down to D5.

I am sold on a 5 premo mid field, keen to hear comments on choices but believe they are 5 solid keeper picks. Rooks TBC.

Rucks set and forget I hope. Not sure if a RUCK/FWD is completely necessary as back up for injury or not. Its always on my mind to throw Belly/Clarke/Ryder in the FWD for a safety net. Thoughts?

Weak Fwd line. Feeling ok with this given the wide range of fwd choices this year. Allowing me both time to get onboard the right pick, but also the rooky price choices in the fwd line this year are solid and should not be ignored. This in mind I have tried to pick my 3 premos as definite keepers..

Clearly open to change throughout the next few weeks, but comments on structure as well as player choices would be appreciated..

Tear it up, cheers guys :)