Downgrading McGovern

Started by Daniel06, July 12, 2014, 10:57:04 AM

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Wanting to downgrade McGovern this week because his BE is pretty high

Any downgrade options available this week can be in either Mid or fwd??


Morabito or Honeychurch could be mid options for you.

Blaine Johnson from Carlton the only forawrd option but JS would be an issue.

If you do not have Shenton then I would go for Shenton in mids to give DPP but if you have him I would go McGovern to Honeychurch giving you extra flexibility.


Already have shenton on the bench in the Mids

Was leaning towards honeychurch but what's his JS like?

Also thought kersten could be an option but don't think his JS is very good


Kersten would have better JS than Honeychurch


JS is an issue with all. If you have a m/f in your mids Honeychurch gives you that extra option. Also allows you to switch with Shenton if required.


Quote from: Ringo on July 12, 2014, 11:33:23 AM
JS is an issue with all. If you have a m/f in your mids Honeychurch gives you that extra option. Also allows you to switch with Shenton if required.

Yeah that makes sense, I like it... Thanks Ringo