Rookie Bonanza

Started by madskill55, April 24, 2014, 12:57:55 AM

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The obvious rookies that are on everyones mind this week are: cutler, lloyd, robertson, crouch (if you haven't got him already) etc.

The question is taking into consideration the byes (R8 in particular), cash rises (how much each rookie will rise in price each rise before they can be upgraded/downgraded) who would be the more worthwhile investment?

Lloyd VS Robbo

  • Lloyd- R8 bye, should have at least a +65k jump this week, lack of future forward rookies (you have ambrose/mccarthy to come)
  • Robbo- with bris injuries, should maintain a regular spot hopefully, but will he average as much as lloyd, or rise as fast as lloyd will in price to ship him off when the time comes?

Give us your thoughts. Ready set go!
