Do you take Cotchin's 134 for Capt LH?

Started by Trindacut, April 17, 2014, 11:39:22 PM

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Quote from: DaveElNacho on April 18, 2014, 01:36:42 AM
Quote from: Trindacut on April 18, 2014, 12:04:20 AM
Quote from: DaveElNacho on April 17, 2014, 11:53:37 PM
pendles scores just as well against north.. i'd get greedy and go pendles ;)
should set a cutoff score before the game so you don't have to think about it after

Cutoff was 135. Think I'll take the 134. What's 15 points at the risk of anywhere up to 134 if Pendles gets injured. Same even with GAJ.

Mmm if it was 135 then don't take it.. Gotta hold fast on your cutoff. I know it's 1 point but then where do you draw the line? 133? 132? The way I see it you may aswell make it 130 if you weren't comfortable leaving a 134. Be strict with your cutoff so you don't have to give it a second thought  ;)

I agree with the nacho. You said your cut off was 135. 134 is below the cutoff... Risk it.....

aaaaaand if it burns you then you can just say its the DaveElNachos fault and hold a personal vendetta against him ;)


Beware of impostors.

Holzmen is not Holzman.

NB What does 'Moderator' next to a name mean?


Pendles often makes mince meat out of North so I'd throw caution to the wind, reckon he will go beyond 150 this week.


Quote from: tor01doc on April 18, 2014, 04:07:54 PM
Beware of impostors.

Holzmen is not Holzman.

NB What does 'Moderator' next to a name mean?

What do you mean? That's Holzmen from Adelaide Uni. THE Holzmen.


I mistook him for Holzman - the SC 3rd place getter of 2013.


Nah doc you're thinking of Holzman.. I'm Holzmen.



Looks like Cotchin was the better pick so far.

Hope GAJ has a quiet one.... Watson too....