last minute decisions!

Started by scumbag, April 12, 2014, 01:12:42 PM

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def - mitchell hanley swallow kk langdon mcdonald (langford, georgio)
mid- gaz watson libba beams tyson dunstan polec ellis (aish taylor)
ruck - nic nat sandi (derrickx thurlow)
fwd- danger dusty roughed zorko caddy higgins (sam frost, rohan)

28 trades and 300k left
havent used any trades this round so far

should i go
A - caddy to buckley via taylor mpp (for cash generation)
B - caddy to buddy or rioli or parker (for a premium and extra points)
C - caddy to jaensch via taylor and macdonald (possible back line keeper, playing a fantasy friendly role in losing team)
D - caddy to hibberd via taylor and macdonald (backline premium)



I would be trying to get rid of Rohan before Caddy


dammit i cant believe i missed that thanks man.


A - but, rohan to buckley or kelly via taylor = cash


yep did rohan to kelly, thanks


went the other way myself - Buckley


I would either keep caddy or trade him to merrett
next week go rohan to fasolo, then the week after Frost to Lloyd


So everything ended up backfiring,
hanley injured and shower score
nic nat subbed and shower score
caddy started as sub and shower score
zorko is going to burn me again all season
libba very average

i dont even supercoach anymore

Judd Magic

Quote from: scumbag on April 12, 2014, 09:50:15 PM
So everything ended up backfiring,
hanley injured and shower score
nic nat subbed and shower score
caddy started as sub and shower score
zorko is going to burn me again all season
libba very average

i dont even supercoach anymore

Feel your pain mate.

I've had enough and just about to toss the towel in too.

Can't get a break at the moment.

Enright gets injured and gets a shower score then misses a week, Wingard hurts his ankle and will miss 1-2 weeks and now Mummy is out for 1-2 minimum.

To top off I get Zorko in after his two good scores and he's been average since, Suckling, Swallow and Bartel are all outrscoring Enright who I picked over all 3 and Libba plays well one week and spuds it up the next week.

Also picked Webster instead of Suckling. FML!

Flowering had enough!  >:(


Don't think you're alone, everyone is copping a bit of bad luck. The key from now is not to start blowing trades on sideways rage trading & 1-2 week injuries. Mummy will certainly test the mettle of most coaches, but ultimately I think you have to look at the bigger picture. 

Judd Magic

Quote from: Bully on April 12, 2014, 11:49:40 PM
Don't think you're alone, everyone is copping a bit of bad luck. The key from now is not to start blowing trades on sideways rage trading & 1-2 week injuries. Mummy will certainly test the mettle of most coaches, but ultimately I think you have to look at the bigger picture.

Good advice mate.

I was patient with Enright and am being patient with Wingard.

Guess I'll have to do the same with Mumford now too.