Please don't laugh!

Started by JimmyMcNulty, April 10, 2014, 09:47:17 PM

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So i still have Honeychurch.... Not sure what to do. My other forwards are Danger dusty buddy Higgins Rohan impey JKH. Please help


Do you have Lewis Taylor?
If not get him in


Show us the rest of your team


My team is.

Smitch mcveigh Hibberd walker suckling McDonald Langdon laidler

GAJ pendles Jobe Big beams dunstan Tyson Ellis crouch aish polec

Sandi Mcintosh currie derrickx

Danger Martin buddy Higgins Rohan Impey JKH Honeychurch


I also have 200k in the bank


I think you're a mid down there. Or is Big beams 2? And if so, who? :o

Good defence.

Rucks are fine.

Mids - depending on who's the missing link - fine.

Forwards - hmmm.

Honey to Taylor will cost $20,000 leaving $180000 plus whatever else you sell.

I'd consider Rohan to Merrett - for cash building mainly - but he could be a mid term keeper as well.


Even though he's had a price rise, get Taylor in. His sub affected score is out of his rolling average, so he should go up a fair bit in price still.


Sorry forgot polec... All fixed. Taylor is looking the most appealing at the moment. Seeing as I have a bit of change in the bank I was thinking id give Rohan a few weeks to shed the vest and if he still struggles pick up wingard after he goes down a few dollars when he's fit. What do you reckon? I always run out of trades for the grand final so I'm determined not to so it this season


Quote from: JimmyMcNulty on April 11, 2014, 08:22:08 AM
Sorry forgot polec... All fixed. Taylor is looking the most appealing at the moment. Seeing as I have a bit of change in the bank I was thinking id give Rohan a few weeks to shed the vest and if he still struggles pick up wingard after he goes down a few dollars when he's fit. What do you reckon? I always run out of trades for the grand final so I'm determined not to so it this season

Rohan to Wingrad will need heaps of Cash, Wingard isn't going to drop hugely and Rohan scores 40 in a full game if you're lucky. taking out 20k for Taylor now, Rohan + 180k will be 360k at best...

I would go Honey to Taylor now and consider either JKH or Rohan to Fasolo next week depending on how things play out this weekend.


Honey > Taylor
Rohan > J.Merrett (of Fasolo if you want to take a well-educated punt)


yeah get taylor and now that dan rich is out for the season, taylor will have more of a chance to run through the middle


Ok so I'll jump on Taylor. Thanks guys!
And I'll keep an eye of fasolo this week. Was hoping Rohan would accidentally kick 3 goals and score above 40. But I doubt he will get the blue moon next to his name any time soon.....but who knows as tony soprano says: even a broken clock is right twice a day.
If he continues to spud it up I will upgrade


Even a blind squirrel will find an acorn occasionally.  ;)