To Zork or not to Zork?

Started by Sydney14, April 05, 2014, 12:24:49 PM

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Was tossing up all week weather to go Pav > Zorko or Buddy > Zorko. Ended up doing neither and sticking with them.. pheww


Quote from: quinny88 on April 05, 2014, 07:50:37 PM
Was tossing up all week weather to go Pav > Zorko or Buddy > Zorko. Ended up doing neither and sticking with them.. pheww
You lucky man! Wished I done the same  ::)


Buddy to Zorko cost 85 pts this week but it's just one week. Disappointing on that alone but bit to unfold yet.
With Rich injured Zorko should be guaranteed with Rocky of more mid time too.


Quote from: enzedder on April 05, 2014, 07:55:09 PM
With Rich injured Zorko should be guaranteed...more mid time too.
How many times have we heard this?

Surely the fact that it keeps getting talked about and argued means that his position is far from certain.


He had 20 touches, clearances, tackles etc

His DE is what killed him today. Zorko and Titch have killed me this week





At least I feel even better about the trade now after Caddy spudding up too



Caddy, Tmitch, Zorko and in my case Walters have bent lots of people over this week! I sense plenty of knee jerk trades happening this rd.


Quote from: RaisyDaisy on April 05, 2014, 10:40:59 PM

At least I feel even better about the trade now after Caddy spudding up too

Went dixon to zorko,  kept caddy as I figured dixon out for 2 at least.   tossed up S May as td option but Zork as a keeper.  "I hope"


Feel no remorse to those who went all out to secure Zorko. Honestly didn't feel like his first two rounds were that amazing that you had to jump on, something had to give.

Oh that's right Rocky dominated and Zorko turned to crap after Rocky came back.. Didn't expect that? Lol

Oh and Zorko not being an efficient user also hurt him.. As mentioned 20 touches for 46 SC hahaha


Can any who saw the game give feedback on his performance? Saw he copped a decent bump early, wondering if that rattled him or it was just his inconsistency. Also what was his role? Will it change now if Rich is out?