Pav to Zorko

Started by The Supercoach, April 04, 2014, 12:35:14 AM

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The Supercoach

As title states. Should i make the trade of Pav to Zorko or should i just hold pav?



Pavlich will be fine.

Seems to me you'll be chasing points that have gone.





i am battling with demons regarding this trade as well.
ps hilarious thread.


I'm also enjoying the pictorial advice...

I'm tempted by Pav to Zorko too but I think you have to give Pav longer to prove himself. He was always a bit of a risk, 2 weeks isn't enough time to say it hasn't paid off. Spewing I didn't pickZorko instead as I tossed up between Zork and Pav but oh well


Juust ask the question.  Will Pav be in the top 10 forwards at end of season. If you answer yes if you answer no trade. Know it is hard but you need to go with gut feeling here. Zorko could tail off and Pav come up.
Although I have Zorko bear in mind his 2 scores so far have been effected by Rocky - Rocky in Round 1 with the run with Mitchell role and suspended for round 2 giving Zorks a lot more mid time. With Rocky probably having a run with role on Ablett again this week he will probably score big again.  Question is how much mid time he will get when Rocky is back as pure mid.


Quote from: Ringo on April 04, 2014, 09:40:10 AM
Question is how much mid time he will get when Rocky is back as pure mid.

I think the real question is whether Rocky WILL be back as a pure mid? Will affect both himself and Zorko's chances of being top mid/fwd options. Given that he's been assigned run with roles in both games he's played I have concerns over his role in the team... and info/speculation on this being a short or long term thing?


and only Leppa will know that - Wish I had that red phone link to him. 

I honestly believe the best for Brisbane is both Zorko and Rocky rotating between mids and forward.  However for team rules Rocky could be given run with roles when playing top teams whilst good for team not good fantasy wise.


Why are people considering trading out pav? Went 80odd kicking 1.4 then scored badly in a very wet and windy game. Hold him