NicNat Combo

Started by felsty, March 14, 2014, 11:59:40 PM

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Pretty much my final combo before my starting side.
Hodge has been a bit of a POD all preseason but seeing how NicNat has been prepared, being run on the ball to get his engine running again and doing 3 and a half quarters in his final hitout before Round 1, makes me want to just set and forget the big palm tree.
What do you reckon guys?


Suckling and Nic Nat the much better option as Nic Nat will be a keeper and suckling could end up as D6 for the year.

Hodge is a keeper but Hampson is a potato.


Nic Nats my fave player. Didnt pick him because of injury concerns.

If only I had known this earlier I wouldnt have gone grundy / sandi


You could have put GAJ with Hampson and I still wouldnt pick him in a combo


Lol.......never knew someone else thinks hampson is a hack as much as me.