Team Almost Complete

Started by MAGPIEMANIA, March 13, 2014, 10:18:53 PM

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Hello felllow esteemed colllegues

My team is almost set for 2014, my conundrum at the moment is whether Buddy will be worth starting in 2014

Happy with the rest of my setup, really just considering the options displayed.

Points I have considered:

Hampson will only be around until Maric returns, am hoping will be upgrading him to Premo when this happens. If it is sooner rather than later could be a big mistake.

Buddy could go BANG, or could be 2013 Spuddy which makes me nervous

Caddy might be overhyped and not perform to expectations

McEvoy should be solid for 95ave for the Hawks

I have changed this combo about 6 times tonight already so hoping a vote and some helpful comments will sway me.