Which ruckman this year can replicate what Will Minson did last year?

Started by ben_020285, March 07, 2014, 11:56:53 AM

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Yeah but no but...

Last year's top 10 on average were 50/50 solo ruckmen.

Cox and NicNait can belt out big scores.
Mumford had Pyke.
Kreuzer had Warnock / Hampson / Rowe a bit.
Hale can score pretty well even with Big Boy and Roughie there - may even still get 3rd defender with Gunsthead taking first 2.
Ryder did well too.

This year Leue welcomes West, Currie / Daw will chop out some of Goldy's time (still my pick were I a plastic surgeon), Mumford - hmmm now wait a minute, Lobbe --potential but is he classy enough?, Big Boy is also tempting.

And then there's our favorite Solo man - the big Sauce!  :o

NicNat if fit.
Goldy if you have the $$$
Lobbe if you like a risk - high asking price IMO

Leue - warming to him despite West - can go forward and scare defenders too.