Are many premo mids necessesary?

Started by WizzFizz, March 03, 2014, 05:59:22 PM

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Are many premo mids neccesary?

will the premo mids be worth it with many rookie mids who will avg 70+ with great JS like Michie, Polec, Ellis, Dunstan to put in our teams?

Premo fwds and defs will be more valuable as there are rarely and rooks with great js bar LMcD and Jhogan


Premo mids just about always score more the only one in your poll is Rocky so would have to go with him


Well... they score more cus they cost more

Rockliff 115 + Langdon 50 = 165
Simpson 95 + Tyson 70 = 165

They both cost the same (~$700k), score the same, but I know I'd much rather the second option. Just an example, any back/forward rookie with iffy JS and scoring potential could easily fit in there, depends where you're going cheap.

Sure, you might find a cheap rookie scoring 60's... *when* they're out there playing, which may not be all too often. The good ones are few and far between this year, so get them where you can, and that's the middle!