Help a brother out - Too many uniques???

Started by dcmagadia21, February 24, 2014, 02:52:47 PM

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DEF: Mitchell, Enright, Hibberd, Swallow, Suckling, McDonald - Howard, Laidler
MID: Ablett, Jack, Ebert, Redden, Beams, Greene, Michie, Polec - Ellis, Honeychurch
RUC: Mumford, Sandilands - Currie, Thurlow
FWD: Dangerfield, Martin, Kennedy, Gunston, Caddy, Rohan - Lloyd, Kersten
$13,800 left

I classify Enright, Hibberd, Jack, Ebert, Redden, Greene, Mumford, Kennedy and Gunston as uniques but do you think I have too many uniques? Like will it cost me in the long run or is it good to have good uniques at this stage?


Uniques are good, but you don't need them just to be different. Only get a unique if you see an upside that no one else does.
Hibberd and Enright will both be top 10 backs surely so they are fine. Enright will get rested though I would imagine to be prepared for that.
I don't see any point in Ebert personally; although you might and if you do then great go for it! Personally I would take Cotchin over Ebert everyday, far more upside. Jack will also be a top 10/15 mid so I have no problems with that.
Redden has a lot of upside, a lot of potential, he does fine I think if you wanted a unique option. I don't think you need Greene there, too much risk, either got to Ellis or go to a rookie I reckon.
I love Gunston but I will make him an upgrade target to wait and see if not having Buddy there changes his scoring for the worse.