POD ruck combo - Sandstein?

Started by tor01doc, February 20, 2014, 07:00:07 PM

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Sandstein anyone?

Surely one will be top 3 ruck and maybe, just maybe both.


in a perfect world....yeah....not sure i can afford Goldy though


Lock Sandi in.

I'm not sure about Goldstein. No doubt he will have another solid year, but the Scott's intention to play 2 rucks has made me wonder exactly how well he will go.

I'm tempted to start with the same combination myself, but paying over 600k for a ruck hasn't gone well for me in the past (thanks Maric and Mummy)


LOL i am looking at a Willilands ruck situation but i'll probably go cheap in the rucks this year..gota save money on one line right?


My team looks so much better with Aldirucks.


I like it. Every other ruck so risky. With sandi u can at least trade and use as a cash cow if injured.

Goldy and Minson gives u safety if u can afford.