3rd team this pre season

Started by bchris, February 12, 2014, 05:15:18 PM

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Hey guys have a look at this, i know a lot could change after nab but im fairly happy with this.

McVeight, Hanley, Houli, Suckling, Docherty, Kolodjashij - McDonald, Fuller

Swan, Rocky, Cotchin, Beams, B. Ellis, D. Thomas, J. Martin, Beams - Sheed, Dunstan

Naitanui, Sandiland- Thurlow, Nankervis

Danger, Martin, Franklin, Caddy, Higgins, Kersten- Garlett, Kennedy-Harris

Taken a risk on Higgins but i think/hoping he can string 7-10 games in a row and on sandi to. Any feed back will be great.

AFL Babble

Backs: Fuller is not Brett Goodes. His averages at lower levels suggest he'll be a stopper in the mould of Alan Toovey, but slower.

Mids: Claye Beams is to Dayne Beams as Brett Voss was to Michael Voss - the runt. Avoid.

Rucks: NicNat is both risky and ballsy. Not sure if I'm concerned or impressed. You have taken TWO risks in the rucks - not one.

Fwds: Solid forward line. Kennedy-Harris is a stroke of genius that had not occurred to me. He kind of has to play, doesn't he..?

Overall: Good job.