Wingard vs Cotchin?!

Started by Slightly01, February 02, 2014, 10:11:18 PM

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Danger was always my  first picked this year (after GAJ/Pendles).
Considering playing him as a mid - to get the link which I am happy to do....
Comes down to Cotchin vs Wingard.
I think the scorers love both.
Who wins?!


Cothcin without a doubt for me. he is a lock for 105+ and extremely likely to get back to a 115 average in 2014. Bargain at that price I beleive, while there is some sort of risk involved with Wingard.



Cotchin by a country mile mate, but it shouldn't b a choice between the two.
Don't waste a midfield slot with danger. U don't need a link early on. Create those links later in the season as u trade.

I have cotch danger and wingard all in my team and believe all 3 will b top 6/8 in their respective positions...


just give up now if you're debating this


Cotchin, I feel he will average a bit more than Chad this year.


Cotchin easily. I don't see Wingard improving this year where as I see Cotch going back to 110+


Try that one again deleted first post somehow got Martin involved in my head  :o but would go Cotchin , but nothing wrong with having Wingard in your team as well


id lean towards cotchin too but wingard has a good place in my fwd line

im stuck between boak and cotchin (these damn port players)
any advise on that one as well?


Quote from: mark621 on February 03, 2014, 01:40:24 PM
id lean towards cotchin too but wingard has a good place in my fwd line

im stuck between boak and cotchin (these damn port players)
any advise on that one as well?
Again Cotchin by a fair bit in my book. Tigers have a very easy draw this year compared to Port having a considerably harder draw. Cotchin also went 106 (same as Boak) in an season plague by a knee injury. 


Cotchin easily. I'm a bit worried about the attention wingard will receive and I agree his average was inflated due to some clutch moments.


Is this Noz version 2.0?  :o


Cotchin every day of the week