Started by shaker, February 21, 2014, 04:30:56 PM

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Thanks to all the coaches who have joined up and posted there FF names this makes life easy , still 3 to go Yoshi who I have sent a PM Vicious Sandwhich Attack and slipknot 4 who have not been active on FF since the codes were sent out , if anyone on FF know these guys personally would be great to let them know that it is time to sign in . I will PM them but they are not going to know until they log on , anyway the season draws closer and good luck to all cheers


We still have 2 coaches who have not joined as yet Yoshi and Vicious Sandwhich Attack have sent them another PM today but have not had any response at all , like I posted before if anyone in FF land knows these guys personally it would be good to let them know that they need to PM me so as to find out what is going on .
PS thanks to slipknot4 for joining quickly after the last post .