Rate My Team V2 (Pic)

Started by nicw98, January 27, 2014, 12:50:12 PM

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Hey Guys this is my first attempt of making a team this year and any advice would be greatly appreciated thanks, click link below for pic


Thanks :)

(Updated Team Down Below)


Updated my team like to see your guys thoughts on with the rucks thanks


Please any advice would be great :)

(Picture down Below)


Hey there.

Personally I think the ruck situation needs changing, trusting Longer and Sandi (who lets face it, will get injured again this year haha) to give you consistent numbers each week is a big risk. I would look to downgrade maybe Gaff in the mids to another rookie and upgrading one of your benched Rucks to another premo.


People don't really want to go off-site to have a look at a team. Best if you type it out here or post a screenshot. :)



Thanks Jazzoskies, will change it up Gaff --> Polec and Longer --> Lobbe and how can you post a screenshot


Quote from: nicw98 on January 27, 2014, 04:28:05 PM
Thanks Jazzoskies, will change it up Gaff --> Polec and Longer --> Lobbe and how can you post a screenshot

It really depends on the device you're using. It's worth investigating it because it can be handy in all sorts of situations.

From there you just upload it to a filehost like imgur, tinypic or something like that and paste the IMG code into your post here.

Anyway, I know you said you were making changes but here's your team anyway...



Quote from: nicw98 on January 27, 2014, 04:28:05 PM
Thanks Jazzoskies, will change it up Gaff --> Polec and Longer --> Lobbe and how can you post a screenshot
Those changes will make a big difference!


Soo here is my team after i have made a few changes what do you guys think?



The choice of Ellis (Richmond) is a nice unique, keen to see how he goes this year.


A couple of things...

Garlett isn't worthwhile in the mids, you may have him there as a DPP link but I don't think that's necessary. He may be a possibility as a forward bench player but as it stands I really don't think he'll get more than half a dozen games this year. I would try to find the money to turn him into C.Beams, Tyson, Dunstan...someone like that.

The forward line is stacked to the brim, I think there's an argument for steering clear of Dixon to begin with and looking at him as more of an upgrade if his form and body hold during the season. Downgrading him to Fasolo, Bock, Kersten (or shifting Garlett to the forwards) would free up the cash to turn one of KK or McDonald into a lower-premium like a Birchall, Grimes, Seedsman, Swallow. While I think both those rookies should have good years I just wonder how many downgrade options will surface in the backs. Seems like pretty slim pickings.


Yeah i love your ideas what are your thoughts on Garlett --> C.Beams,  Dixon --> Garlett and then Mcdonald - Swallow and  Polec --> Tyson

Thanks for your advice its great  :)

Quote from: Mr.Craig on January 27, 2014, 05:33:22 PM
A couple of things...

Garlett isn't worthwhile in the mids, you may have him there as a DPP link but I don't think that's necessary. He may be a possibility as a forward bench player but as it stands I really don't think he'll get more than half a dozen games this year. I would try to find the money to turn him into C.Beams, Tyson, Dunstan...someone like that.

The forward line is stacked to the brim, I think there's an argument for steering clear of Dixon to begin with and looking at him as more of an upgrade if his form and body hold during the season. Downgrading him to Fasolo, Bock, Kersten (or shifting Garlett to the forwards) would free up the cash to turn one of KK or McDonald into a lower-premium like a Birchall, Grimes, Seedsman, Swallow. While I think both those rookies should have good years I just wonder how many downgrade options will surface in the backs. Seems like pretty slim pickings.


It's a long way out from Round 1 and obviously a lot of things can happen between now and then but yeah, I think those changes would make for a more even side. :)


After a few more slight changes to my team here is how it currently stands, any suggestions how i can improve it please feel free to leave it down below thanks for all the advice so far :)

PS i have 20,100 left, Thanks