Longer and Sandi as rucks?

Started by Jackross10, January 23, 2014, 06:16:00 PM

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Very cheap option. Could be good ?


Look I really want to go a combo like this in the ruck. U have to save $$$ somewhere. But ruck has a little more risk unless there are rookie rucks that play like Giles,Blicavs,Redden in past seasons.

Hickey looks like no.1 to me unless he loses it to Longer. Who knows what these guys will score prob not much. And if Sandilands goes down early who do u trade in? Grundy? he's cheap too but u won't get the bang 4 ur buck like with Sandi.

I have also thought about going Sandi,Longer,Hickey but again if things go bad... If the risk comes off cool but at this stage I'm wanting at least 1 premo solid ruck like Goldy or Minson and a cheap R2. 


I think you have to have at least one reliable ruck this year. In other years we have had rookie rucks coming in from Gold Coast and GWS, and so there has been reasonable backup if one of our cheaper risks doesn't pay off, but this year it will be different and we don't have many rookies available to us in the ruck department.

I myself am currently going with the set-and-forget strategy, starting with Leuey and Goldy. This means that, as long as there are no injuries or anything out of the ordinary, I can expect 200+ from my rucks each week without really having to worry about them and can concentrate on getting other parts of my team right.

The only cheap ruck I would be considering is Sandilands, as he is the only one who could become a keeper. Grundy, Longer etc. are never going to be keepers, so that is 1 trade guaranteed that you will lose, possibly more if you don't have the cash to do a straight swap.

My Chumps

Waaaaaaay too risky. Sandi will be lucky to play 15+ games this year. GL summed it up pretty nicely honestly.


No guarantee that Longer will even be No.1 ruck. I think Hickey will get first crack. Based on that way to risky to start him IMO.


Risky, but it will save lots of money.
Sandi is a gun, but not so sure on Longer. Hickey ahead of him atm, so I'll watch over the NAB Challenge.