4th forward

Started by Anthonyyyy, January 23, 2014, 12:04:29 PM

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I don't really care about price but I want good value for money! who should I choose


If you don't care about Money then click on there names and and look at there avgs over the past 3 yrs and i'm sure it will hit you in the face  ;)


hahahahah yeahhh I know but Caddy is apparently in for a big year buit I just don't see it and cant get excited about him but I just thought I would like to see everyone elses opinion


For me i wouldn't even give it a thought if money was not the issue

rather than try pick the breakout player i would pick the 20pts under there avg player that plays for a top 2/4 team and who is training like a general.

you know a fit Pav avg 100, can't see Caddy avg 100 for a couple more yrs yet

its all about taking risks but i think this is a risk not worth taking


Maybe you should sit down and watch the Cats v Hawks final from last year, I am certain that should change your opinion of Caddy's prospects. He had a blinder!


I'd pick Pavlich over Buddy, which means I would definitely go with Pav over Caddy.


Yeh Pav over Caddy every day of the week. In saying that I have both though


alright Pav it is he is having a ripping preseason so he is one step ahead at the moment