Friend of mine wants YOU to rate his team

Started by c4v3m4n, March 09, 2010, 05:15:18 AM

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Hey guys,

Got a friend over and he wants your opinions on his team. Doesnt have his own FF account so I'm posting it for him.


Goddard, Godwin, Hodge, Kennelly, Drum, Ladson, Maguire
(Grimes, Blight)


Ablett, Dal Santo, Judd, McVeigh, Dangerfield, Martin
(Jetta, Banner)


Hille, Naitanui
(West, Bailey)


Chapman, O'Keefe, Higgins, Franklin, Waite, Hall, Watts
(Rockliff, Dennis-Lane)

He's got 75K in the bank too.

He'd really appreciate any and all comments and ratings on his team. Thanks guys.


Big holes in team are that watts is injured and judd is suspended untill round 4.. also not much bench cover incase of injuries


Yeah trade Judd (suspended) and get better subs.

Good luck


He didnt realise the Judd was suspended until Round 4. He'll trade him for Mitchell. As for Watts, its just a matter of whos available that cheaply.

Thanks for your help.



This team needs some attention,

If he's starting Maguire in defence, make sure the two benched players will get games, if he's got 75k left over, I'd suggest putting Maguire on the bench and getting in Schoenmakers or someone closely priced that'll get more games.

Obviously Judd is a no no untill Rnd4 when he'll be worth it (and playing). I'm not a massive fan of Dal Santo, I think there are far better options at that price. Other than that, midfield looks good

Rucks, bad move there, Hille is a worry, I'd wait and see how fit he is before I'd play him. Nic Nat, I'm not sold on him, I'd downgrade him to Seaby from the Swans and upgrade Hille.

Franklin is out round one, and I think Waite is a big risk. Also get rid of Watts, maybe bench him, but don't start him.



It is a little risky playing Maguire on the field because we don't know how he will perform when the real stuff starts and it makes your bench weak. I would upgrade one of the bench to Greenwood, Waters or someone similarly priced. They are just popular this year (and with good reason I think).


You could afford to have one more rookie starting given the wealth of talent this year. Would free up a lot of extra cash. Personally would keep Dangerfield so maybe downgrade McVeigh. That will free up a lot of cash for upgrades.


Your rucks need upgrades and the money above allows this. Personally would keep Naitanui but both carry risks. Someone like Tippett is a good choice if you want someone who has room to grow or you could go for a keeper in Sandi, Clark or the big Cox. Bailey is having his 4th Knee reco after playing the thugish Bombers in Round 22 last year and isn't even a remote chance of playing until Round 12ish. Warnock, Trengove and Skipper have all been popular choices for ruck reserves this year.


Chapman, O'Keefe, Higgins, Franklin, Waite, Hall, Watts
(Rockliff, Dennis-Lane)

Like this. Watts is injured and wont play at least round 1 from memory. There are a few options for replacement there because I like this bench so look for someone who is prices similarly or upgrade if you have some spare cash. Waite is a risk, but you probably know that and with the strength of the forward line you can afford the risk.


Thanks for all of your help guys, I'll pass on the information.  :D