Chances of luke McDonald and kade kolodjashnij being defenders?

Started by DC13, November 22, 2013, 01:34:28 AM

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Both McDonald and k.kolodjashnij's draft profiles say they are both rebounding defenders, however both are listed as mids in fan planner? If both of these players along with scharenberg get defender status it would help out a lot I think, thoughts on whether or not they'd be defenders?


They probably will but could you really afford Scharenberg, Mcdonald and K.Kolodjshnij? They will be 160/170k


They should all b defenders.
Kolodashnij and McDonald should b strictly defence and sharenberg could b D/F I'm guessing.
Gonna b expensive but at least they should b options which is good.
All three should get games. Kolo and McDonald should b named round one.