Jake Carlisle?

Started by Fid, January 31, 2014, 06:06:28 PM

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Just heard that  Bomber Thompson is going to play him as a forward this year.

What do you think of him as a B4 option ?

T Dog

Will be watching the pre season games to see where he lines up too Fid.. :D


You just heard that? Hahah, nah but he could be a smokie, I don't have the guts, will most likely put in some monster games but no doubt they'll be some quiet ones.


 Carlisle's scoring potential now that he will be up forward could very well depend on how much natural improvement big Daniher shows.  Also, if Thompson uses both Chapman and Winderlich as go-to half forwards, not to mention Kommer, Melksham and a few others scouting for crumbs, Jake could end up not seeing that much of the pill.  NAB games will hopefully shed some light on how Essendon expect to set up.


Don't pay to much attention to what coaches say at this time , Watts will be playing in the mids , Martin will playing in the back more , Gaz will be playing forward more and I'm sure there are more than that lets just wait and see


Even if he does spend the whole year up forward, is he going to score that well?  Maybe 80 or 85 ppg max?


Yeah even if he is up fwd will probably score about 85ppg max. Only 3-4 key forwards I would see averaging 100 and he isnt one.