The hell am I doing...

Started by Bill Manspeaker, June 18, 2014, 02:27:53 PM

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Bill Manspeaker

maaaaaaan that flowerin sucks! considering I only play to win the league granny, I've got nothing to play for now! what the flower. why would they even give you the option of whether you play finals or not.

that's shower :(

Bill Manspeaker

is there any way around it? like can you change the settings so finals are included?


U cld have a look in the settings I guess but it was a setting when u set the league up, the Finals r run the same way as the afl so 1 vs 4 , 2 vs 3, 5 vs 8, 6 vs 7 so last week was first week instead of playing your opponent that week ul be up against someone else so last week u played whoever finished 4th if u had a higher score u get the week off, and so on.
We r doing that in one of the leagues

Bill Manspeaker

the league I'm in is half mates and half randoms, so I probably won't be able to do that :(

this is just a big fat motherflowerin turd. all for nothing. I dunno why these spastics would even give you the option of finals or no finals

ahwell. thanks for the help mate


Haha pretty unlucky that survey they are asking everyone to do I think they realise they have stuffed it this year so next year should be better, get on that luxbet u can bet on dream team on there that mite make it a bit better if u win a bit of cash out of it

Bill Manspeaker

well... was wondering how the last 2 weeks was gonna work, no finals and all, and after this week it just says that I was the winner

a little unsatisfying to be honest :(

undefeated through the whole year