$300K third ruckman?

Started by sluga, January 22, 2014, 03:06:02 PM

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Normally a big no no having so much money on the pine but I was floating with the idea of having a $300K ruckman on the bench eg Hickey or Sandi. The starting two at the moment is Goldy and Mummy. The main reasons for this is to have good coverage throughout the year as I don


No. That extra 200k you would be spending could be better spent somewhere else. I assume that this strategy leaves you with either 4 premium defenders, 4 mids, or 2 forwards? Ideally you would probably want 5/5/3 premiums in those positions respectively.

Sabretooth Tigers

Very similar GL but 3/5/5. Going light in defence. Only a strategy decision on my part, could be right or wrong. Cheers.    ;)


That's a good question what are people going to do if there are no cheap rucks at the start of the season that are playing spend 200 - 300k to get someone to try and make money or just put 2 cheap spuds and make no money ?


Shaker that's what my thinking process behind the $300K ruckman. You may loose out of $150K at the start but should be able to make this money up compared to a non playing rookie and you've got the added benefit of coverage throughout the year or until a rookie is on the bubble.


Quote from: sluga on January 22, 2014, 04:27:14 PM
Shaker that's what my thinking process behind the $300K ruckman. You may loose out of $150K at the start but should be able to make this money up compared to a non playing rookie and you've got the added benefit of coverage throughout the year or until a rookie is on the bubble.

Think most people will wait and see who's playing round 1 but it is something to think about you can always have 1 cheap ruck as a captains loophole


My second Ruck wont be worth that :o


Ive decided to just go with two fit ruckmen and zero's on the bench (Kreuzer/Lobbe)(Currie/Nankervis).


Sorry champ but this is about as useless as it gets.

He won't be playing and if you need cover just use a trade. 30 trades are enough.

200K = you could get a player averaging 20ppg more on your field. You could go from basement premium ~100 to Dane Swan 120

You're not going to be using your 300K more than 1 in every 5 games (if you need to use them more often you need to trade out your regularly missing number 1/2 ruck)

The extra 20ppg you get from Swan or whoever = 100 points when your 300K ruck is only going to get you 75ppg when he plays.


What about Dixon with DPP? have thurlow as your link?