What to do with Heath Scotland?

Started by Proudy1032, June 11, 2013, 11:18:41 AM

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I went Evans-->Mitchell last week (he was on my field!) and this week was planning a double upgrade. Terlich to Hanley is one, and I'm not sure what to do next. Scotland isn't the same this year but I know I shouldn't trade him till after this round, what do you reckon guys?


Or should I be trading out Blicavs/Luey?


Hanley is going to drop a lot over the next 2 weeks so it's probably not the right time to bring him in.

If you don't already have nicholls I would strongly recommend getting him for one of leuey or blicavs. I would lean more toward leuey since it will free up more cash.


As a Carlton fan, I feel Scotland's DT days are a thing of the past. In saying that, depending on how your team is looking at the moment, I'd be holding onto him for now.

Terlich -> Hanley seems fine, but I'd hold out for a week or two if you can for that price drop. Maybe bring in Birchall if you don't already have him? Duffman maybe?


I don't have Nicholls no, yeah Duffman looks like the go possibly!


500k in the bank with Luey-->Nicholls


I've got Scotto and am holding him for now at least. Been a major disappoint the last few weeks, but I have faith that he can still recapture some old form and finish with a respectable 85+ average.


Quote from: fertalong on June 11, 2013, 11:52:57 AM
Hanley is going to drop a lot over the next 2 weeks so it's probably not the right time to bring him in.

If you don't already have nicholls I would strongly recommend getting him for one of leuey or blicavs. I would lean more toward leuey since it will free up more cash.
Why do you say this?


Quote from: nrich102 on June 11, 2013, 04:30:18 PM
Quote from: fertalong on June 11, 2013, 11:52:57 AM
Hanley is going to drop a lot over the next 2 weeks so it's probably not the right time to bring him in.

If you don't already have nicholls I would strongly recommend getting him for one of leuey or blicavs. I would lean more toward leuey since it will free up more cash.
Why do you say this?

Because his B/E is close to 160 I think. :o


Quote from: Adamant on June 11, 2013, 04:31:28 PM
Quote from: nrich102 on June 11, 2013, 04:30:18 PM
Quote from: fertalong on June 11, 2013, 11:52:57 AM
Hanley is going to drop a lot over the next 2 weeks so it's probably not the right time to bring him in.

If you don't already have nicholls I would strongly recommend getting him for one of leuey or blicavs. I would lean more toward leuey since it will free up more cash.
Why do you say this?

Because his B/E is close to 160 I think. :o

Yup, it's around the 160 mark and he will drop until the 35 he scored in r10 is out of the system.